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he's attacking ANZAC Day because it honours all our fallen troops and that includes those killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm hearing about this guy though a couple of political facebook pages it appears he's talking about organising a blockade around the next soldier's funeral and a protest next ANZAC Day
Sounds like he's totally missing the point.
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he also approves of the awful events in Boston saying the violent actions of the just however extreme are justified whilst the actions of the unjust however peaceful are still unjust which I think has earnt him a lot of attention from a few intelligence organisations
I want the laugh smiley to work, your last line here is funny...:D The events in Boston were the work of an idiot. They accomplished nether death toll nor widespread panic nor ideological impact. It seems like this guy doesn't even know how to be a good terrorist, even if he can make a good IED. I'm not too scared.
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nah this guy has a huge superiority complex no way he'd get his hands dirty because in his words "if I were to die the Australian Islamic community would lose it's voice' date=' I speak on behalf of those who think but fear reprisal if they speak these truths"[/quote'] Oh wow. No, he's completely full of rubbish. Even if that were true he would not think of it in that way. That's just a more furnished way of saying: "I'se too real fo' alla dem mathafakas, brother. Mathafakas cain't handle it when I lay dis sh*t down." Hm, now I can't decide whether I want to laugh at this guy or break his skull. Maybe I can split the difference and cackle maniacally while walloping his noggin with my steel bat.
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Re: The Rant

Oh wow. No' date=' he's completely full of rubbish. Even if that were true he would not think of it in that way. That's just a more furnished way of saying: "I'se too real fo' alla dem mathafakas, brother. Mathafakas cain't handle it when I lay dis sh*t down." Hm, now I can't decide whether I want to laugh at this guy or break his skull. Maybe I can split the difference and cackle maniacally while walloping his noggin with my steel bat.[/quote'] Sounds like a plan. It's exactly the kind of violent reaction to someone's opinion that he is advocating, so it's not like he can bitch about it. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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Sounds like a plan. It's exactly the kind of violent reaction to someone's opinion that he is advocating' date=' so it's not like he can bitch about it.[/quote'] The main reason I can't decide is because this guy so flamboyantly courts controversy. That means that he either really is just talking a whole lot of rubbish or he's actually a terrorist. In the latter case, chances are pretty good that as Murph stated, the intelligence community's ears will prick.
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theres a shame that just the Muslim ones get all blame...
Not really. It's just that the Muslim ones tend to act on their assumptions more frequently. Terry Jones, a home-grown nitwit, proposed a Qur'an Burning Day on Sept. 11th each year, but nobody panicked. A number of high-ranking officials and even the president himself made a plea for Jones not to do such a thing, and he held up his end of the deal. He also did the burnings the next day without much fanfare, but frankly he had to buy the books so he's supported some Islamic shop owner somewhere. Avigdor Lieberman, in the meantime, is a racist Hebrew who is currently the Foreign Minister of Israel. He has proposed an Oath Of Allegiance for Arabs seeking Israeli citizenship, among other variously rude propositions.
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I am fucking pissed at the Prime Minister of Australia right now, Ms. Julia Gillard has just introduced a bill into federal parliament to officially ban the Australian flag from being displayed in public places for fear it may offend someone who wasn't born in this country. political correctness gone mad

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meanwhile in Australia a busload of people lept to the assistance of a muslim woman who was having racial abuse hurled at her by one particular sadly misguided individual there was no violence but I think that individual got the message Australians don't tolerate that behaviour, regardless of where you're from once you hit our shores you're an Aussie

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but I think that individual got the message Australians don't tolerate that behaviour' date=' regardless of where you're from once you hit our shores you're an Aussie[/quote'] Kind of a pity that by your account it seems that sort of collective action disappears when it comes time to vote. Not to put a damper on things (oh who am I kidding, I am captain of Team Buzzkill after all), but Tocqueville said exactly the same thing about the Unites States when he visited and he said it was a bad thing. Have you hate speech laws in Australia?
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no just the standard anti-discrimination laws. I fail to see how defending an individual against a tirade condemning them' date=' their culture and their faith if carried out in a non-violent manner could possibly be a bad thing.[/quote'] So, this was a non-violent thing? If it's just people talking then no, there's nothing bad about it. The thing is, your vocabulary was a bit more dynamic than a heated verbal exchange would suggest. Rating - should have my paper done soon! Slating - 'nother bloody paper round the corner.
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I think RO has his rose tinted glasses on, not everyone who lands on Aussie shores is an instant Aussie. Ask the boat people. Having said that, when I was over there we got into a little thing with a drunk in a bar out in the country. The locals sorted him out and sent him on his way, great blokes.

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now that's not fair' date=' that's a border control issue Satan with people trying to illegal enter Australia[/quote'] Oh, trust me, you won't get off easy just because people are breaking the law. The fact that crime in the United States is frequently committed by minorities is considered evidence that the US is a racist society, even though that makes no sense at all. But I can offer an interesting fact to the story: Mexicans who cross the border legally and actually learn English HATE illegal immigration, and often aren't too fond of the illegal immigrants either.
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Re: The Rant

Oh, trust me, you won't get off easy just because people are breaking the law. The fact that crime in the United States is frequently committed by minorities is considered evidence that the US is a racist society, even though that makes no sense at all. But I can offer an interesting fact to the story: Mexicans who cross the border legally and actually learn English HATE illegal immigration, and often aren't too fond of the illegal immigrants either.
People do come here for opportunity, but some put in the work to do it correctly and some don't. The ones that don't are law breakers and need to be prosecuted, it's as simple as that. The problem is that big business loves illegals, and they lobby congress like crazy to keep them here. They work cheap for big business, and you don't have to pay taxes or benefits to them, it keeps their costs down. In addition, since they make low wages, they have to buy from the cheaper places to get by, which are almost all the same large chains. Everything in our current system is designed to aid big business while putting the pressure on small business, which is the reverse of who actually contributes to society and needs the help. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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