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What's on your mind?


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I could do without the winter in NYC. The summer here sucks too. And the rest of the time it's rainy. Ha! Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends on here! I hope you're not working; I hope you're home spending time with people you care about, relaxing, eating and drinking things you like. Or in Iceni's case, plodding about morosely, looking for your tail.;) ...and you Brits and Kiwis and Ozzies and all the rest of you, I'm sure you have something better you could be doing. Get back to work.:D

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Re: What's on your mind?

I could do without the winter in NYC. The summer here sucks too. And the rest of the time it's rainy. Ha! Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends on here! I hope you're not working; I hope you're home spending time with people you care about, relaxing, eating and drinking things you like. Or in Iceni's case, plodding about morosely, looking for your tail.;) ...and you Brits and Kiwis and Ozzies and all the rest of you, I'm sure you have something better you could be doing. Get back to work.:D
Drinking coffee and making deviled eggs at the moment, been hanging out with the wife and dogs. Everyone have a good holiday, whether you celebrate it or not, you fucking heathens. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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Can't celebrate Thanksgiving with my family because of travel costs, but I'm off to a dinner in about half and hour. I am thankful for the opportunities life has accorded me, including my education; I am thankful for my circumstances living in a country where I am afforded food, water, and freedom. And I'm thankful for prog! :D Most of all I am thankful for my parents, my brother, and salvation.

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Re: What's on your mind? Indeed. I just finished a huge plate of food, and am indulging by way of beverage thusly: [ATTACH]862[/ATTACH] Cockeyed Cooper barrel aged barley wine. It was 11.1% ABV before I aged it for a year, not sure what it's at now. What I do know is that aging has smoothed out the hop kick and increased the richness, and it is delicious. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2

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I didn't ruin thanksgiving so that's a good start (lets just say I didn't get the nickname stumbelina for no reason) and the fact that nothing burned, broke or was spilled is already an achievement unlocked for me. Overall it was a pretty fun and chill night. Gaming consisted of magika, kerbal space program, and settlers of catan.

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At the dinner I went to we watched Princess Bride' date=' which may have had something to do with the fact that the only guys there were the husband in the host couple, a 14-year old, and me. Still, the couple made some bloody awesome food, so it was great.[/quote'] The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies. "You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.":D
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Thanksgiving rocked, my wife's first turkey ever turned out fantastic, the shepherd's pie was my best yet. Good food, good music, good company. And leftovers for breakfast! Today it's my Black Friday boycott: I will spend no money. Pretty easy to do, considering I've got enough food for a week in the fridge, and I don't have any money left to spend... :)

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The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies. "You keep using this word. I do not think it means what you think it means.":D
The movie's use of physical humor is pretty good, but I didn't like much of the dialogue...still, there were some good lines. I remembered this one: 'There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world...it'd be a pity to ruin yours.'
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The movie's use of physical humor is pretty good' date=' but I didn't like much of the dialogue...still, there were some good lines. I remembered this one: 'There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world...it'd be a pity to ruin yours.'[/quote'] It's supposed to be derivative and silly. There's nothing serious about the movie at all. Directed by the same guy who directed Spinal Tap. And Mandy Patinkin still says Inigo is his favorite role he's ever played.
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Re: What's on your mind?

It's supposed to be derivative and silly. There's nothing serious about the movie at all. Directed by the same guy who directed Spinal Tap. And Mandy Patinkin still says Inigo is his favorite role he's ever played.
Yeah dude, The Princess Bride is brilliant. I can watch that movie over and over. "He's gaining on us! I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using..." Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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Re: What's on your mind? I posted a few places drunk last night, but not about what I was drinking. [ATTACH]863[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]864[/ATTACH] These are two of the other monsters I was aging, the first being a MASSIVE imperial stout (13.2% ABV before aging), the second being a delicious double IPA. It seems that the aging process smoothed out the front mouth kick of all of them, and increased the richness and depth of flavor. Needless to say, between them, tons of good food, and good company yesterday, it was a great holiday. I love food, so Thanksgiving tends to be my favorite holiday, also because it doesn't really have any commercial agenda and stays the closest to its original message (despite being a reminder of fucking over this land's native people), so with some awesome beers I would be surprised if I didn't enjoy it. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2

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I spent $2.40 on a pair of Krispy Kremes and a bit on metro and bus fare' date=' but it was during a trip to the Smithsonian Natural History museum...[/quote'] Oh Em Geee! I want to go there sooo badly. I'm actually taking a trip to D.C. in the next couple months to visit my sisters and then the top of my list is seeing Smithsonian Natural History museum. I've been wanting to go for yeeeears. How did you like it?
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Oh Em Geee! I want to go there sooo badly. I'm actually taking a trip to D.C. in the next couple months to visit my sisters and then the top of my list is seeing Smithsonian Natural History museum. I've been wanting to go for yeeeears. How did you like it?
I didn't like it as much as the first time I went, actually, because they had this enormous ocean exhibit taking up most of the museum. Unfortunately it wasn't a particularly interesting exhibit. They kept their 'animals of the savannah' exhibit up, which was nice, and they had a fairly interesting though obviously not in-depth exhibit on early humans. The upper story has some sort of butterfly exhibit up which I didn't look at. The one thing you might want to bear in mind is that there are no dinosaur bones or skeletons, not that I could see. However, the museum is free which is a good draw, especially since food is pretty expensive to buy out. Take the orange or blue metro line and you'll wind up very close. Don't worry about planning tickets ahead or anything, there aren't lines to get in (although to be fair it was very bloody crowded when I went today). I prefer the Air And Space Museum, personally, but maybe that's because I love warplanes and it provided some good history as well which interested me the second time I went.
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I didn't like it as much as the first time I went, actually, because they had this enormous ocean exhibit taking up most of the museum. Unfortunately it wasn't a particularly interesting exhibit. They kept their 'animals of the savannah' exhibit up, which was nice, and they had a fairly interesting though obviously not in-depth exhibit on early humans. The upper story has some sort of butterfly exhibit up which I didn't look at. The one thing you might want to bear in mind is that there are no dinosaur bones or skeletons, not that I could see. However, the museum is free which is a good draw, especially since food is pretty expensive to buy out. Take the orange or blue metro line and you'll wind up very close. I prefer the Air And Space Museum, personally, but maybe that's because I love warplanes and it provided some good history as well which interested me the second time I went.
Wow. What a shame, my whole desire to go is the hope of seeing dinosaur bones / exhibits. :( Air and Space though was also on my list because I'm really into that stuff too ( I went to the reno air races this year and they race a lot of old warplanes, modded of course ) but they also feature unmodded historical warplanes from all around the world in the pits and I had a pit pass so I got up close and it was amaaaazing. Any suggestions for where to see Dino bones in D.C. area? And for that matter... are you in the D.C. area? Any suggestions in general for things to see/do?
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Wow. What a shame, my whole desire to go is the hope of seeing dinosaur bones / exhibits. :( Air and Space though was also on my list because I'm really into that stuff too ( I went to the reno air races this year and they race a lot of old warplanes, modded of course ) but they also feature unmodded historical warplanes from all around the world in the pits and I had a pit pass so I got up close and it was amaaaazing. Any suggestions for where to see Dino bones in D.C. area? And for that matter... are you in the D.C. area? Any suggestions in general for things to see/do?
Actually, I just checked and it seems like there are dinosaur bones and some skeletons in the Natural History Museum. I suspect I just came on a day when a lot of stuff got switched 'round. As for dinosaur exhibits - honestly, I don't know, I think it's really just the Smithsonian museums here. Again, probably better to Google this than to take my word for it. As for other things to do - my family and I went inside the Capitol building and the Library of Congress, both of which were quite nice. The National Zoo's not bad and the American History museum is fairly interesting as well. Yes, I attend Georgetown University, so I am in D.C.
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I can't remember the last time I went to our local museum but I do remember there being skeletons of some rather large carnivores in there, some dinosaurs, but mostly toothed whales and megafauna such as megalania (which was basically a fuck-off sized Komodo Dragon). More recently I went to the Australian Sporting Museum in Melbourne which was pretty cool for a sports nut like me except for one slight error in their facts which got under my skin.

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The dinosaur exhibits at the Smithsonian and the Air And Space Museum were some of my favorite things when I was a kid. Haven't been in ages. I'd feel lucky to be so close to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cloisters, our own Natural History museum, and all of the great private galleries and museums here in NYC, but the truth is I never go. Despite that they're some of my favorite places, I only seem to get out there once or twice a year.

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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

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      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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