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That's what you do if she pisses you off! Draw a pentagram in goat cheese under her bed' date=' with a little bit poking out so she finds it. But never admit to doing it.[/quote'] I love the idea! I'm sorry your wife is loosing her friend, I know how much that sucks :/ I suppose when you're married and have kids you don't get to meet a lot of new people. (I hope I'm very wrong)
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I love the idea! I'm sorry your wife is loosing her friend, I know how much that sucks :/ I suppose when you're married and have kids you don't get to meet a lot of new people. (I hope I'm very wrong)
You're partially right. We certainly don't get out socially as much as we used to. Neither of us are huge on meeting new people anyway, but we do meet people because of our son that we wouldn't have met otherwise. Her issue is just that she doesn't like the environment, and has basically shut down and stopped making friends over the past few years. It sucks. I want for her to be happy. I have a ton of friends here, through college and music, but I guess that's not her "crowd". So it's a real blow for her. In any case, thank you.
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Too bad, I'm sure she would find a few friends if she would open up. I understand her, when I moved to Italy, I didn't make a lot of friends. I wasn't always in the mood for speaking Italian so I was silent most of the time, and since I was able to go home mostly every weekend (the town in Italy where I study is an hour away from my home town), I didn't feel the need to make friends there. But it's sad that she's lonely just because she doesn't like the town :/ Well not completely lonely, she has you, but you know what I'm trying to say

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Muh' date=' I can understand this. Opening up can get you friends you don't really want. I meet very few people with a lot of friends who genuinely seem to like all of them.[/quote'] Maybe I can't relate to this completely because I'm a very open person and usually give people a chance, but if I see that I will not like somebody or there is something about a person that bothers me but I'm not sure exactly what it is, I will not try to be friends whit him/her.
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Thanks man. It's just a shame' date=' they hung out all the time. My wife tends to bond with people over hatred of the city, and then, big surprise, they get out... Eh, well, she'll be in PA, we can drive there sometimes.[/quote'] Well that's a bummer. But @ least there are many ways to keep in touch. Hopefully the opportunity will present itself if/when she's ready to pursue a new friendship.
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Yeah it does. Suck I tried. To make. A friend. Once with. Within neighbor. But. To me they. Are very self centered. With a big ego I hate that plus. If you make fun. Of him. Lol his hide behind his mother lol. He like in 30s runs to mommy. When someone picks on me lol
Haha. I know a couple people like this. I understand there are some, as an adult, who have good reasons for still living @ home (e.g. school, medical reasons...) however the ones I'm referring to are just lazy, freeloading scumbags. What I would like to know, what are they gonna do when mommy's not around to hold their hand anymore.
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Haha. I know a couple people like this. I understand there are some' date=' as an adult, who have good reasons for still living @ home (e.g. school, medical reasons...) however the ones I'm referring to are just lazy, freeloading scumbags. What I would like to know, what are they gonna do when mommy's not around to hold their hand anymore.[/quote'] That. Dude who I mention. Is the same way. Mommy daddy paid for everything. For him. They even paid for his spring break. Trip when he was in college. Mommy works a car dealership he gets. A free car. I know. Plus daddy brought him a business to run. Talk about. Spoil bitch. He quit 167,000 a year job. After college that's. where. Daddy brought him a business. Freeloading piece of shit
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Haha. I know a couple people like this. I understand there are some' date=' as an adult, who have good reasons for still living @ home (e.g. school, medical reasons...) however the ones I'm referring to are just lazy, freeloading scumbags. What I would like to know, what are they gonna do when mommy's not around to hold their hand anymore.[/quote'] Yeah, one of my friends from high school still lives at home but he's not pursuing a degree or anything. Apparently he has some serious mental health issues, but I also think his parents didn't try hard enough raising him. I don't see why he couldn't do clerical work with a bit of effort. But they're far too enamored of their middle son, who has successfully made the transition from a relatively diligent, interesting and friendly young man to a gormless glory-hungry Marine meathead. It's a pity that so many people seem to think stupidity should be a prerequisite for joining the military.
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That. Dude who I mention. Is the same way. Mommy daddy paid for everything. For him. They even paid for his spring break. Trip when he was in college. Mommy works a car dealership he gets. A free car. I know. Plus daddy brought him a business to run. Talk about. Spoil bitch. He quit 167' date='000 a year job. After college that's. where. Daddy brought him a business. Freeloading piece of shit[/quote'] Shame on his permissive parents for enabling him to become a dumbass
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Yeah, one of my friends from high school still lives at home but he's not pursuing a degree or anything. Apparently he has some serious mental health issues, but I also think his parents didn't try hard enough raising him. I don't see why he couldn't do clerical work with a bit of effort. But they're far too enamored of their middle son, who has successfully made the transition from a relatively diligent, interesting and friendly young man to a gormless glory-hungry Marine meathead. It's a pity that so many people seem to think stupidity should be a prerequisite for joining the military.
I never understood how parents could show favoritism with their children. We, as a parent, are the ones who help build the foundation of what gives our children stability with love, encouragement, patience and understanding. Giving up on or dismissing one child while doding over another is prob what has exacerbated your friends mental health issues. Shame on his parents too!
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Re: What's on your mind?

Hey BAN' date=' how's your family? How's that little girl doing? :)[/quote'] Doing well, finally got caught up on sleep last night. We had some Valentine's Day sushi and sashimi last night, which was just delicious, and took turns with Winter throughout the night. We didn't get up until 1:30 PM, so needless to say I feel very refreshed. She's a sweet baby, doesn't get upset over much, and if she does, it's never for long. It's been a pretty awesome experience, despite all of the negatives of the hospital and the most incompetent hospital staff imaginable. She hasn't started gaining weight yet, which her pediatrician was concerned about, but I'm not surprised. They put her on antibiotics for pneumonia, which doctors don't realize wipes out your digestive bacteria too, and she hasn't been off of them long enough to make up the difference. In any case, we're just happy to have her home and complete our family. Our dogs both adore her, so it's just been a really happy atmosphere at the house. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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Re: What's on your mind?

Why does nobody ever thank the police officers of this country for their sacrifice? We love our military to a fault in this country but the ingratitude we show to our cops is abominable.
Because by and large, police officers are lacking more integrity than soldiers. Also, police seem more content with dealing in petty tickets than actually fighting crime, which is their directive, as opposed to soldiers who don't have a say in the matter and are following orders. My brother in law is in the police academy right now, and we have all been telling him that he needs to use that authority to make a difference, and not just become another holier than thou pig on a power trip. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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Because by and large, police officers are lacking more integrity than soldiers. Also, police seem more content with dealing in petty tickets than actually fighting crime, which is their directive, as opposed to soldiers who don't have a say in the matter and are following orders. My brother in law is in the police academy right now, and we have all been telling him that he needs to use that authority to make a difference, and not just become another holier than thou pig on a power trip. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
That's a slightly sweeping statement. Not suggesting police officers can't abuse their position for a minute, but I'm sure there are plenty of police officers who genuinely do want to protect their community and make a positive difference. There are also plenty of soldiers who join up so they can abuse their power and see their position as little more than a licence to go to other countries and shoot people. Not saying this represents all or even most of the military, but there's surely noble and power-hungry arseholes in both professions. Rather than worship the military as this Godlike figure no-one dare even look as if they might be criticising, can't we just acknowledge that, where a profession is made up of people, the profession is inevitably going to be flawed. Referring to all soldiers as 'heroes' etc. I feel is doing more harm than good, and diverts attention away (conveniently) from the fact that we shouldn't need these young men and women to be fighting and dying in the first place.
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Because by and large' date=' police officers are lacking more integrity than soldiers. Also, police seem more content with dealing in petty tickets than actually fighting crime, which is their directive, as opposed to soldiers who don't have a say in the matter and are following orders. My brother in law is in the police academy right now, and we have all been telling him that he needs to use that authority to make a difference, and not just become another holier than thou pig on a power trip.[/quote'] I've definitely met cops like that (my town is full of them) but I still hold to my assertion. The average soldier deployed in a given 'trouble spot' probably does the same kind of thing a policeman does because that's what the soldiers are being asked to do - police the populace. I would be willing to bet that the populace don't like them very much. My theory is that the policemen are simply nearer and therefore their flaws are obvious to the public. Because the soldiers are so far away and are rarely seen on the job, it's easier to fabricate this image of heroism around them. I find it interesting that police brutality attracts massive public outcry while the various ugly incidents committed by soldiers in Afghanistan and Bosnia, among other places, barely put a dent in the gleaming reputation of our armed forces. Neither of these incidents are necessarily indicative of the whole, but it seems the military gets the benefit of the doubt far more often than the police. I also have trouble buying the idea that soldiers have more integrity. There are folks who honestly do want to help the United States by joining the military, but it seems that for every one of those there's some worthless lunkhead who couldn't pass high school looking for a quick path to glory.
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Re: What's on your mind?

I've definitely met cops like that (my town is full of them) but I still hold to my assertion. The average soldier deployed in a given 'trouble spot' probably does the same kind of thing a policeman does because that's what the soldiers are being asked to do - police the populace. I would be willing to bet that the populace don't like them very much. My theory is that the policemen are simply nearer and therefore their flaws are obvious to the public. Because the soldiers are so far away and are rarely seen on the job, it's easier to fabricate this image of heroism around them. I find it interesting that police brutality attracts massive public outcry while the various ugly incidents committed by soldiers in Afghanistan and Bosnia, among other places, barely put a dent in the gleaming reputation of our armed forces. Neither of these incidents are necessarily indicative of the whole, but it seems the military gets the benefit of the doubt far more often than the police. I also have trouble buying the idea that soldiers have more integrity. There are folks who honestly do want to help the United States by joining the military, but it seems that for every one of those there's some worthless lunkhead who couldn't pass high school looking for a quick path to glory.
No, there are probably even more horror stories of war crimes, and they tend to involve even more flagrant abuses of power. It's not often that you hear of police committing genocide, or mass killing of women and children, police tend to commit more small offences than soldiers fewer/graver infractions. I'm not just talking out of my ass here, I come from a military family, my grandfather was career army, my dad was in the reserves, my best friend/brother in law is in the navy, and two of my wife's brothers are in the army, one of which is in the police academy. I have heard plenty of horrid shit about war crimes, and about mismanagement of funds and supplies (one of my wife's brothers was a supply sergeant on deployment, and told us about millions that his unit alone was throwing away). Sure, these are still generalizations based on the experiences of myself and my family and cannot possibly represent the whole, but just as that experience can't account for everyone, it can't be denied. I do know that soldiers have less choice in what they do as they are literally property of the government, as opposed to employees, but I know of and have seen more abuse, even if on a smaller scale, with police. My father in law's grandfather was a peace officer, and told him that the problems began when they changed their purpose and wanted them to police the populace instead of keeping the peacen. Some do certainly still have integrity and good intentions, but far too many are fine with a double standard of the law that puts them above it, and are content with doing nothing to improve society. To me, this is no different than a teacher with no desire to teach their students anything, they're in the wrong field and don't do anybody any good. And in regards to your high school dropout comment, that is no longer a reality. The requirements have been raised to require all military applicants to have at least a diploma or GED, and the option for convicts to join the military to avoid a jail sentence hasn't existed for some time. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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