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Re: Rate and Slate

rating - the english cricket team' date=' always good for a few laughs hahaha [/quote'] Yeah, but at least they still win consistently - how did Australia manage to lose to the Windies again? :lol: Nah, I jest, Australia are a pretty awesome team to have representing your country - consistent and skillful. And anyway, we managed to lose to Shri Lanka with a truly terrible display of batting which kinda makes you wonder whether they were trying a new and experimental type of batting using real stuffed bats! I think it's called Ozzy-style batting. Anyway, at least we are currently top of the table at Test and 20Twenty, but then again Australia are best at One Day. So we both have something to be proud of :D ! Hey, I've just thought, do you think that anybody else has a clue what we're on about when we talk cricket :lol: ? P.S. Note that it is no longer St. George's day :lol: ! Does Australia have a patron saint/national day of any kind? Rating: The sunshine - at last! Slating: I think that Death has got the Metal Forum members list confused with his rather ominious "to do" list again and has bumped off half the members. What other explanation can there be for how quiet it is here!
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Re: Rate and Slate yes Strategos we have several, we had Australia day back in January, ANZAC day tomorrow to pay homage to the men and women who gave their lives for our great nation in wars around the globe, and the traditional chuck a sickie whenever there's something important at work day which happens at least four times a year lol oh and Australia were only stopped by bad weather in the second test or else we'd lead the series two nil, the exact score we beat sri lanka by in our two test eries against them rating - that death hasn't got to me yet (slate of above post) slating - that it could be only a matter of time, seriously I'd say I was sick as a dog but dogs don't get this sick

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Re: Rate and Slate ANZAC day tomorrow, interesting. We have our rememberance days sort of around the end of WWI - armastice day itself as a minor affair and the big commemoration at the Cenotaph in Whitehall on the nearest Sunday to that - so it's November and very sombre as a consequence. Still, it's hardly an occassion to get all happy-happy is it? As for the sickies serious :lol: !

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Re: Rate and Slate dead serious mate you'd be surprised how often it happens, one of my mates pulled one to got to the cricket and bumped into his boss there, turns out they both had the same idea so he couldn't get in trouble, our remembrance day coincides more closley with Gallipoli which is the most well known conflict involving Aussie troops in world war I so seems the most fitting, and as for Australia day and I apologise for the impending rant our prime minister ms Julia Gillard thinks calling it "Australia Day" will offend people who weren't born here so she wants to call it "citizens day" citizens day, what the fuck is that? if anything that's even worse, since I could just about write an essay on this topic I'd better stop now, don't want to get worked up and make myself even sicker

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Re: Rate and Slate

dead serious mate you'd be surprised how often it happens' date=' one of my mates pulled one to got to the cricket and bumped into his boss there, turns out they both had the same idea so he couldn't get in trouble, our remembrance day coincides more closley with Gallipoli which is the most well known conflict involving Aussie troops in world war I so seems the most fitting, and as for Australia day and I apologise for the impending rant our prime minister ms Julia Gillard thinks calling it "Australia Day" will offend people who weren't born here so she wants to call it "citizens day" citizens day, what the fuck is that? if anything that's even worse, since I could just about write an essay on this topic I'd better stop now, don't want to get worked up and make myself even sicker[/quote'] Wow, the sickies story is a hoot :lol: ! Thanks. But as to "citizens day" ooh, I can't agree with you e-bloody-nuff! Ridiculous, how can you be proud of being a bloody citizen if your not allowed to celebrate the country you're a bloody citizen of! I have to put up with this crap (because crap is all it is!) this crap in this country all the damn time! As you can tell, I'm a damn pround Englishman and Britisher (not in a stupid "I'm better than other countries" old school jingoism but a genuine love and pride of my country's culture, countryside and history (most of it anyway!) and I think other countries are great too) and I'm bloody sick of being lectured by a bunch of namby-pamby bastards who have only got into a position of authority by being butt-kissers extraodinare and bleeting toads on how it "offends" immigrants to be patriotic, or even to do normal things like celebrate Christmas! I heard of one school who banned the nativity play but thought it a good idea to celebrate Diwali. Fine, celebrate Diwali but don't bloody cancel that traditional piece of parental torture known as the nativity play! Seriously, like most immigrants give a toss who does what - they came to this country after all so I strongly doubt that they feel "offended" by any of these things. There is far to much being "offended" on other people's behalves nowadays, without even bothering to consult then on whether they are actually offended! Shame, I thought that particular pernicious strain of Political Correctness was confined to Europe but apparantly not. Do you know they tried to insist that the Union Jack should be called the Union Flag for a few years! Finally though I hear Jack again so I think that they must have given up. Lot of cheers! Long live Australia, England and the U.K.! There, I appear to have got worked up for you :lol: !
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Re: Rate and Slate oh here's a fun bit of political correctness for you, it is ILLEGAL to display an Australian flag on your car here in case someone finds it offensive, but it's perfectly fine to have a Chinese flag, a Samoan flag, a Sudanese flag or any other flag you can think of, now I actually have some friends who immigrated to this great nation and they are more offended by the fact that they CAN'T proudly display the flag of their adopted nation, this land surrounded by sea, teeming with unique wildlife and offering an abundance of magnificent sceneries that can only be experienced right here, I ought to know I've experienced some of those scenes first hand and for starters I can tell you that if you ever have the chance to visit you absolutely MUST see the Great Barrier Reef, it is one of the most amazing experiences you will ever have, particularly if you go the extra mile and scuba dive it, it may cost a bit but it's an experience of a life time, I did it early in January and still remember it like I only dove down there today. but I've digressed from the point, the point is that it doesn't matter whether you were born in a country or if you moved there, what matters is the sense of belonging you feel in that nation, I had a friend whose family moved here from Syria and he was telling me how his family display the Australian flag with pride EVERY Australia day and have since they first celebrated it here, they are proud to live in this country as I'm sure are about ninety five per cent of Australians (I say Australians because to me if you're willing to adopt Australia as your homeland you DESERVE to be called Australian) now why should we allow five per cent of twenty five million people tell us that we should be ashamed of this free, democratic, jewel known as Australia? national pride is most certainly flowing right now rating - national pride slating - ANYONE WHO DARES TELL ME I SHOULDN'T BE PROUD TO BE AUSTRALIAN

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Re: Rate and Slate the way I see it if you don't like the country you live in then move, go somewhere where they hate said nation as much as you do, but don't try and tell us that we should feel bad because we happen to think that our nation ass great at last something we can agree on without fail NTNR, I suppose this probably means we're wrong lol

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Re: Rate and Slate

the way I see it if you don't like the country you live in then move' date=' go somewhere where they hate said nation as much as you do, but don't try and tell us that we should feel bad because we happen to think that our nation ass great[/quote'] Very true, if you don't like it, leave.
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Re: Rate and Slate Rating national pride. Slating that on this campus it seems more socially acceptable to toke and drink than to be proud of your country... We haven't got any legislation to prevent us from being proud over here in the US, but Tocqueville's perfected tyranny has done a bang-up job preventing anyone feeling any national pride without a whole shovelful of guilt. Besides, if you're proud of the US you must be, like, a redneck or something. :shock: You racist.

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Re: Rate and Slate Dear-oh-dear! At thought at least the U.S.A. was immune to that! I mean, that's the country that had the splendid confidence to invent Captain America! But I have to say, tripping and getting blattered while sneering at the country which fostered you - haven't students always been thus :lol: ! It's so sad, I mean, of course being patriotic doesn't mean thinking everything one's country does smells of roses and all its ways are beyond reproach, but really! P.S. I wish we had a leader like Barrack Obama - all we have is a guy who, though I personally think well-meaning - hasn't really got a clue and the alternative is a man who looks like a newt and seems to have the imagination, vision, oratorical flair and independance from simply being another hypocritical demagog of a drunk badger with a bad headache and a dependance on fruit jellies! Anyway, it's really, really nice to hear so many people saying they like their homelands :D !

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Re: Rate and Slate

Dear-oh-dear! At thought at least the U.S.A. was immune to that! I mean, that's the country that had the splendid confidence to invent Captain America! But I have to say, tripping and getting blattered while sneering at the country which fostered you - haven't students always been thus :lol: ! It's so sad, I mean, of course being patriotic doesn't mean thinking everything one's country does smells of roses and all its ways are beyond reproach, but really! P.S. I wish we had a leader like Barrack Obama - all we have is a guy who, though I personally think well-meaning - hasn't really got a clue and the alternative is a man who looks like a newt and seems to have the imagination, vision, oratorical flair and independance from simply being another hypocritical demagog of a drunk badger with a bad headache and a dependance on fruit jellies! Anyway, it's really, really nice to hear so many people saying they like their homelands :D !
Obama is a fucking kiss ass that's too chicken shit to get done what needs to get done, he's done nothing but pander the entire time he's been in office. He's still better than Romney though, that guy is an even bigger puppet that doesn't have any opinions of his own, and I don't know if I could vote for a Mormon knowing what I know about them. Rating: Coming home and drinking beer Slating: Fucking rubberneckers!!! Twice in the last two days I've been stopped in traffic due to traffic accidents that didn't even block traffic, one was even on the other side of the freeway! Not only are you being idiots, you're making everyone slam on their brakes so you can take a look and causing more accidents.
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Re: Rate and Slate I wouldn't be impressed by his rhetoric, Strategos. Everyone's so bowled over by the fact that he's black and eloquent that his supporters seem to think any kind of discussion about him couldn't possibly be motivated by any other factor other than jealousy and racism. Of course, his opponents have failed to come up with a compelling reason not to like him other than the fact that he's left-wing. Except Ron Paul, of course. And BlutAusNerd: Obama's definitely not weak, he managed to pass an executive order that allows him to kill anyone judged to be politically dangerous. That's how we managed to off Anwar al-Awlaki while he was in Yemen, since he was an American citizen abroad. Essentially, Obama's given himself permission to ignore other countries' laws. He's pandered, but behind the scenes he's been working. He also managed to get that accursed Matthew Shepard Act passed so that now you get extra jail time if your motive for a crime is 'prejudice', whatever the social engineers in the government deem that to be. He also essentially started our Air Force deployment to Libya, without Congressional approval (unlike the 'illegal' war in Iraq, which did actually have Congressional approval, albeit on faulty assumptions). So if Libya goes down the toilet, you can blame him. But yeah, Romney is a boring suck-up, and I honestly don't think he'll change anything except healthcare. Otherwise, everything will remain exactly as it is. Rating Mock The Week. Slating that my laptop battery is busted.

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