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Gardarika Musikk folk/pagan/viking label


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New stuff: Новые поступления: AKASHAN Eagna na Marbh DARK AWAKE Anunnaki (DIGI) DIE DOOD Sieleherder GRAFVOLLUTH/SLAVECRUSHING TYRANT Split (7''EP) IDIS ORLOG The Spiral Tide of Seasons (DIGI) KENAZ Volonté de fer ancestrale LORD WIND Ales Stenar CD LORD WIND Ales Stenar 12" vinyl LORD WIND Heralds of Fight PAGAN FLAME Symbole de vie et de lumière PAGAN FLAME/LEICHENZUG The Flaming Return of Hyperborean Wrath PIAREVARACIEN/ПЯРЭВАРАЦЕНЬ Down the Broken Path V/A HAMMERSTORM VOL.4 V/A HEATHEN CIRCLE COMPILATION Heathen Renaissance. Volume 3 WITCHBLOOD Hail to Lyderhorn ZAKLON Nikoli… СИВЫЙ ЯР Из тьмы вымерших деревень/From the Dead Villages' Darkness

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AKASHAN Eagna na Marbh DARK AWAKE Anunnaki (DIGI) DIE DOOD Sieleherder GRAFVOLLUTH/SLAVECRUSHING TYRANT Split (7''EP) IDIS ORLOG The Spiral Tide of Seasons (DIGI) KENAZ Volonté de fer ancestrale LORD WIND Ales Stenar CD LORD WIND Ales Stenar 12" vinyl LORD WIND Heralds of Fight PAGAN FLAME Symbole de vie et de lumière PAGAN FLAME/LEICHENZUG The Flaming Return of Hyperborean Wrath PIAREVARACIEN/ПЯРЭВАРАЦЕНЬ Down the Broken Path V/A HAMMERSTORM VOL.4 V/A HEATHEN CIRCLE COMPILATION Heathen Renaissance. Volume 3 WITCHBLOOD Hail to Lyderhorn ZAKLON Nikoli… СИВЫЙ ЯР Из тьмы вымерших деревень/From the Dead Villages' Darkness

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BLACK ANGEL Rituales Infernales (DIGI) BLOODTHORN Genocide CONVENT Abandon Your Lord (DIGI) DECEPTION Nails Sticking Offensive DECEPTION Inferno DEFUNTOS Luto Perpétuo (DIGI) DISSIMULATION Maras (DIGI) EMBRIONAL Absolutely Anti-Human Behaviors EMBRIONAL Annihilation 2007 + Live ERHABENHEIT Missgediehen IMPERIO NOCTURNO Opus Tem Ohp Ab INFEST Everlasting Genocide INFIDEL Eviscerate Yourself KATATONIA Live in Paris/Demos/Rehearsals LUGBURZ Pure Misanthropy of Death MOLOCH LETALIS/HATE THEM ALL Czara śmierci NECRONOMICON Necronomicon NECRONOMICON BEAST/FETID ZOMBIE United in Defiance DIGI NOCTURNAL HELL 4 Years of Supreme Shit ORIGIN Antithesis RITUALMURDER Ritual of Heavenly Murder RUINS Chambers of Perversion (DIGI) SATHANAS La Hora de Lucifer LONG BOX SUICIDAL INC. Dead Enough for Life (DIGI) GARDARIKA MUSIKK | label and distro http://www.facebook.com/GardarikaMusikk https://gardarikamusikk.bandcamp.com/ Gardarika Musikk

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GRAVEBORNE Pure Negativity GRAVSORG Visions of Depression GRAVSORG/DISPERSED ASHES Split INTHYFLESH Claustrophobia NORDMEN Nordmen ØDELEGGER The Titan's Tomb PRAVUS ABYSSUS Within the Abyss of Solitude PREVALENT RESISTANCE Dynamics of Creation VERIVALA Kalliolle, kukkulalle WARGRINDER The Seal of Genocide WARGRINDER/ICONOCLAST CONTRA Advancing into Ceaseless Victory WARNUNGSTRAUM Inter Peritura WARNUNGSTRAUM Eripe Ferrum WARNUNGSTRAUM Mirror Waters XAOS OBLIVION Black Mountains Spirits GARDARIKA MUSIKK | label and distro http://www.facebook.com/GardarikaMusikk https://gardarikamusikk.bandcamp.com/ Gardarika Musikk

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New stuff in distro: ACARUS SARCOPT The First Day with No Sun 2CD ANGMAR Cénotaphe (Lost Tracks) CD ANNTHENNATH Bridges to Nothingness CD ANNTHENNATH / QUINTESSENCE Eram quod es, eris quod sum 12"LP DISABLED When All is Slayed… 2CD DYING EMBRACE Era of Tribulation (India) 12"LP DYING EMBRACE Era of Tribulation (India) CD KLOOTZAK Bloodlust CD MANZER Light of the Wreckers CD NOMED Thrashing Insanity 2CD ORATOR Kapalgnosis (Bangladesh) 12"LP ORATOR Kapalgnosis (Bangladesh) CD ÖRDÖG The Art of Nihilism CD PERVERSIFIER Perverting the Masses CD SALEM Ancient Spells of the Witch 2CD SHUD Rot in Pieces 2CD TORK RAN Tales of Death 2CD GARDARIKA MUSIKK | label and distro http://www.facebook.com/GardarikaMusikk https://gardarikamusikk.bandcamp.com/ Gardarika Musikk

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A MONUMENTAL BLACK STATUE Excelsior BRIARGH/HEILNOZ Omen of the Last Autumn CELTIC DANCE Ancient Battlecry DAEVA DURZEIRICHE Invoke DARK FURY Semper Fidelis DARK FURY Synningthwait DIABOLICAL PRINCIPLES The Final Step Before the Dawn GEIMHRE Mollachd HRIZG Individualism LYCANTHROPY Operation Werwolf MORTUUS CAELUM/ENOID/DIZZINESS Impetum in Tenebris NOKTURNE Embracer of Dark Ages STORMSTONE Heirs of All Fights SWAROST Brzask SYTRIS Stronghold of Wrath DIGI GARDARIKA MUSIKK | label and distro http://www.facebook.com/GardarikaMusikk https://gardarikamusikk.bandcamp.com/ Gardarika Musikk

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AUÐN Auðn FROST ...from the Dark MACABRE DEMISE Homicidal Parasites MOLOCH Verwüstung MOLOCH Abstrakter Wald MOONKULT/SOLUS Transmissions NAZGHOR Diabolical Teachings NORDLAND Songs of Regression STURMTIGER World at War 1914-1918 URUK-HAI The Fellowship URUK-HAI Elbenstahl GARDARIKA MUSIKK | label and distro http://www.facebook.com/GardarikaMusikk https://gardarikamusikk.bandcamp.com/ Gardarika Musikk

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A NECRONOMICON FOR RENT A Dream Within A Dream ASTAROT Life of Despair/Silhouettes Reflecting in the Nightsky BLUTKULT Worldwide Offensive BLUTKULT Worldwide Offensive (metal box CD) DODSFERD Still Desecrating the Spirit of Life DODSFERD/WARFORGED Anthems of Desecration and Demise EVIL MADNESS Bastards Get Rotten EXTREME ROT Obscure Suffering HYPERBOREAN Rising from the Dark Past IBERIAN WOLVES Europa IGNIS ATRA SPIRITUS Death's Requiem INCIPIENT CHAOS Sulphur KANVASS The Southern Thunder Roars KHAOTIC Ars Obscurum, ad Cultus Mortem LASCOWIEC Frostwinds of the Apocalypse LICURGO Flames MALMORT Excerpta Funebris MANDINGAZO Death Metal Punishment MEMORAIN Zero Hour MIRKHALL Heathen Hearted NEMESIS IRAE Eradikate Kampaign NOKTURNE Terror Resurgence OHMU Hive Mind QASSAM Shyathan Akhbar! SEPTICAEMIA Septicaemia STRYNN Decadence (DIGI) VELIMOR/ВЕЛИМОР Our World VELIMOR/ВЕЛИМОР Our World (metal box CD) VESANO Desassossego WARFORGED The Black Age of Light's Fall GARDARIKA MUSIKK | label and distro http://www.facebook.com/GardarikaMusikk https://gardarikamusikk.bandcamp.com/ Gardarika Musikk

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    • Whichever tier of thrash metal you consigned Sacred Reich back in the 80's/90's they still had their moments.  "Ignorance" & "Surf Nicaragura" did a great job of establishing the band, whereas "The American Way" just got a little to comfortable and accessible (the title track grates nowadays) for my ears.  A couple more records better left forgotten about and then nothing for twenty three years.  2019 alone has now seen three releases from Phil Rind and co.  A live EP, a split EP with Iron Reagan and now a full length.

      Notable addition to the ranks for the current throng of releases is former Machine Head sticksman, Dave McClean.  Love or hate Machine Head, McClean is a more than capable drummer and his presence here is felt from the off with the opening and title track kicking things off with some real gusto.  'Divide & Conquer' and 'Salvation' muddle along nicely, never quite reaching any quality that would make my balls tingle but comfortable enough.  The looming build to 'Manifest Reality' delivers a real punch when the song starts proper.  Frenzied riffs and drums with shots of lead work to hold the interest.

      There's a problem already though (I know, I am such a fucking mood hoover).  I don't like Phil's vocals.  I never had if I am being honest.  The aggression to them seems a little forced even when they are at their best on tracks like 'Manifest Reality'.  When he tries to sing it just feels weak though ('Salvation') and tracks lose real punch.  Give him a riffy number such as 'Killing Machine' and he is fine with the Reich engine (probably a poor choice of phrase) up in sixth gear.  For every thrashy riff there's a fair share of rock edged, local bar act rhythm aplenty too.

      Let's not poo-poo proceedings though, because overall I actually enjoy "Awakening".  It is stacked full of catchy riffs that are sticky on the old ears.  Whilst not as raw as perhaps the - brilliant - artwork suggests with its black and white, tattoo flash sheet style design it is enjoyable enough.  Yes, 'Death Valley' & 'Something to Believe' have no place here, saved only by Arnett and Radziwill's lead work but 'Revolution' is a fucking 80's thrash heyday throwback to the extent that if you turn the TV on during it you might catch a new episode of Cheers!

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    • https://www.metalforum.com/blogs/entry/52-vltimas-something-wicked-marches-in/
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    • https://www.metalforum.com/blogs/entry/48-candlemass-the-door-to-doom/
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    • Full length number 19 from overkill certainly makes a splash in the energy stakes, I mean there's some modern thrash bands that are a good two decades younger than Overkill who can only hope to achieve the levels of spunk that New Jersey's finest produce here.  That in itself is an achievement, for a band of Overkill's stature and reputation to be able to still sound relevant four decades into their career is no mean feat.  Even in the albums weaker moments it never gets redundant and the energy levels remain high.  There's a real sense of a band in a state of some renewed vigour, helped in no small part by the addition of Jason Bittner on drums.  The former Flotsam & Jetsam skinsman is nothing short of superb throughout "The Wings of War" and seems to have squeezed a little extra out of the rest of his peers.

      The album kicks of with a great build to opening track "Last Man Standing" and for the first 4 tracks of the album the Overkill crew stomp, bash and groove their way to a solid level of consistency.  The lead work is of particular note and Blitz sounds as sneery and scathing as ever.  The album is well produced and mixed too with all parts of the thrash machine audible as the five piece hammer away at your skull with the usual blend of chugging riffs and infectious anthems.  

      There are weak moments as mentioned but they are more a victim of how good the strong tracks are.  In it's own right "Distortion" is a solid enough - if not slightly varied a journey from the last offering - but it just doesn't stand up well against a "Bat Shit Crazy" or a "Head of a Pin".  As the album draws to a close you get the increasing impression that the last few tracks are rescued really by some great solos and stomping skin work which is a shame because trimming of a couple of tracks may have made this less obvious. 

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