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Why do metal music fans believe in dinosaurs?


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Iceni and ban plus the fact man. Did exist during the dinosaur days there know as cavemen. Plus when you look at. Crocodiles and alligators. They are an example. Of dinosaurs. That still live among us. And also. Elephants. Are descending. From. Masdons and wooly mammoths Our. Big cats like tigers. And. Lions. Came from saber tooth Tigers. Orgin Sharks came from meglodon the giant shark. All those creatures. Came from dinosaurs I watch a lot of history read it about a lot. If dinosaurs are myth. Like he said they are. Then our animal life of today are myths then. you guys agree with me
Well... as far as alagaters and such like, I believe that the original poster is correct that it's never been suggested that they are related to dinosaurs which were not reptiles, so lizards turtles and snakes are not close dinosaur relitives either and definatly not decended. Birds are with their warmer matabolisms and more importantly their hips are decended from dinosaurs. I do not know, and am apparenly too lazy to look it up, but I think that dinosaurs evolved from amphibians, and my better informed brother who is visiting backs up my understanding that dinosaurs and reptiles evolved seperatly from a common amphibian ancestor no longer extant. Sharks are a kind of fish, and a primitive sort at that. Mammals are decened from early dinosaurs and we have a hip more like a birds than a reptiles. so humans are from a fish-amphibian-dinosaur line, thats my understanding, no reptile ancestors in our line so I think you're right about that Deathstorm in terms of mammals coming from dinosaurs. Reptiles like allagaters are not descended from dinosaurs. Fish, such as sharks, predate amphibians.
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How about this? Give us conclusive proof that dinosaurs did not exist and/or proof that all evidence of the existence of dinosaurs is false. Also I would like to point out that birds did not evolve from lizards. Lizards evolved alongside the dinosaurs, but weren't too closely related. When you look at the structure of dinosaur, lizard and bird skeletons, you will notice that the skeletons of modern birds are very similar to dinosaur skeletons (particularly the dinosaurs in theornithischia group... it's in the name). As well as this, all lizards that have either a sprawling, or semi-erect gait, whereas all known dinosaurs have a pillar-erect or erect gait. The only real similarity in the bone structure of lizards and dinosaurs is that they are all anapsids, but then, so are snakes (and technically birds). Do I also need to explain how Feathered dinosaurs evolved before birds but after scaled dinosaurs (at around the same time "modern" lizards were evolving? Next time you go on a forum where no one knows who the heck you are, I would at least check who you are speaking to before you started giving ill-founded lectures that go against what is generally accepted as scientific fact.

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May I also add that chances are that on a forum this large, there are multiple people who have an in depth knowledge of the subject matter. Or at the very least, people studying/have studied related subjects at various levels (I myself have a level 3 diploma (equivalent to an A-level in the UK - I don't know what the equivalent level is in other countries) in herpetology and intend to go on to do a masters degree in zoology). p.s. sorry about the double post p.p.s. How do dinosaurs stick out like a saw thumb? Fossils of sloths the size of bears have been discovered. As well as various other oddities, such as the plesiosaurs, pliosaurs and the quetzalcoatlus (the largest flying creature ever discovered). p.p.p.s. Sorry, I just realised this post has no point to it whatsoever and just serves to make me look like a giant douche. My point is that you really need to make sure you know what you are talking about when you start a debate (I wouldn't call this an argument as it has stayed fairly civil) with people you do not know.

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Resorting to ad hominems is the sign of a person so closed-minded that they won't even start to consider other points of view. In general terms to reply to some of the other earlier comments: - Yes, paleontology is largely fraudulent, specifically dino-paleontology. It's such a small field though, and those involved have so much invested in protecting the lie, that there is little chance to get them to admit the truth. They would have too much to lose. - Crocodiles and alligators are not claimed to be close relatives of any particular dinosaur. Crocs are reptiles, whereas we're told to believe that dinosaurs were able to self-regulate their temperatures and in many cases had feathers. We're also supposed to believe that enormous creatures like the powerful Tyrannosaur was made extinct by an event that allowed chickens to survive. Chickens are rubbish, I could kill a chicken in a second. - I am not a Young Earth Creationist, neither are most of the core members of Christians Against Dinosaurs. In general we believe the literature of science, including evolution. Personally I accept that evolution is a thing that happens, and that the Bible is largely metaphorical. As it says in Eastern Philosophy, 'the tao that can be described is not the true tao', and likewise the Bible needs to use allusion and metaphor to illustrate truths that cannot be put into human language. - Occult symbolism is of little concern to be, the symbols are just representative of a darker evil. A darker evil that had any of you edgy metallists ever actually experienced, you would stop flirting with. The power of light can banish this darkness, so it doesn't matter to me in the slightest if people choose to decorate themselves with Baphomets and the like. From a purely artistic perspective, I quite like the Baphomet. Plus its origins aren't really Satanic, it's more to do with Pagan fertility rites. Not exactly upholding Christian values, but there's a lot worse in the world.
Their reply was probably the most apt for your nonsense compared to some of the other somewhat rambling responses. Please go away and take your bullcrap along too. You are exactly the kind of reason I despise most religions.
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Iceni and ban plus the fact man. Did exist during the dinosaur days there know as cavemen. Plus when you look at. Crocodiles and alligators. They are an example. Of dinosaurs. That still live among us. And also. Elephants. Are descending. From. Masdons and wooly mammoths Our. Big cats like tigers. And. Lions. Came from saber tooth Tigers. Orgin Sharks came from meglodon the giant shark. All those creatures. Came from dinosaurs I watch a lot of history read it about a lot. If dinosaurs are myth. Like he said they are. Then our animal life of today are myths then. you guys agree with me dinosaurs are reptiles. so are gators and crocs.
Dinosaurs and cavemen are separated by something like over a 100,000,000 years.
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damn. we're still arguing about dinosaurs in 2015..

I myself have a level 3 diploma (equivalent to an A-level in the UK - I don't know what the equivalent level is in other countries) in herpetology and intend to go on to do a masters degree in zoology)
that's cool man, I was a big snake and other reptile enthusiast growing up, tried my hand at breeding even (under the direction of my father since I was in my early teens) but I love the subject, I've always been fascinated by snakes and have a deep love for them. Did you ever own or breed any reps?
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Addressing CAD's query of how chickens could have survived when dinosaurs went extinct. I can say with some certainty that chickens were not around 65 million years ago given there is evidence suggesting only a handful of bird species had evolved at that time. As Iceni pointed out the large size which saw dinosaurs rule the land for some 350 million years was detrimental once food supplies diminished resulting to the change in climate. Mass extinctions have occurred frequently in the Earth's history including at the end of the Pleistocene Epoch when the megafauna and other animals adapted to that climate. As for how dinosaurs could have evolved in the first place there is strong evidence suggesting fish evolved into amphibians (likely to escape natural predators in the seas) and that brach split into reptiles and amphibians. From that branch some reptiles developed fur and became mammals, others evolved into dinosaurs and from then into birds, still others simply optimised the reptilian design.

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damn. we're still arguing about dinosaurs in 2015..that's cool man' date=' I was a big snake and other reptile enthusiast growing up, tried my hand at breeding even (under the direction of my father since I was in my early teens) but I love the subject, I've always been fascinated by snakes and have a deep love for them. Did you ever own or breed any reps?[/quote']I have kept and successfully bred Berber Skinks (Eumeces schneideri) and Bibron's geckos (Pachydactylus bibroni). I also keep a variety of amphibians, including Oriental Fire bellied toads (bombina bombina) and Golden reed frogs (Hyperolius puncticulatus). I am currently looking at getting myself a breeding pair of Gran Canaria giant lizard's (Gallotia stehlini). In the past I have kept a few small species of monitor lizard and iguana. I don't have any experience actually owning snakes although I have worked with (and been bitten by) Mangrove snakes (Boiga dendrophila). And who knows what the future may hold (I'm not even old enough to get a driver's licence :() ?
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I'll be left to assume that you've been trolling here this whole time and delete your account.
But here at Christians Against Dinosaurs
Lol. I assume you haven't tried to google Christians Against Dinosaurs only to find a mere facebook page with some ridiculous photos?
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Lol. I assume you haven't tried to google Christians Against Dinosaurs only to find a mere facebook page with some ridiculous photos?
Trolling isn't about being outlandish and idiotic, it's about doing so intentionally to get a rise out of people for you to laugh at. Other than FA's clever mockery, I have yet to hear anything remotely funny go on here, and while I felt that he was blowing smoke up our asses initially, his more recent posts seem to indicate that he actually buys what he's saying.
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Trolling isn't about being outlandish and idiotic' date=' it's about doing so intentionally to get a rise out of people for you to laugh at. Other than FA's clever mockery, I have yet to hear anything remotely funny go on here, and while I felt that he was blowing smoke up our asses initially, his more recent posts seem to indicate that he actually buys what he's saying.[/quote'] Trolling doesn't have to be clever or funny to qualify as such. And I'd say trolling is actually most effective when the idiotic viewpoint is being presented in enough detail that it comes across to most people as a legitimately held belief. I'm not saying this guy definitely is a troll, but I'm certainly not ready to eliminate that possibility yet. Assuming it is is trolling, whilst I don't find it particularly amusing, this guy is pretty clever to have duped so many people. I'd have to guess that he might have got his info from somewhere else, though; think my friend showed me a satirical website with similar content on it. On that note, I think I might join an atheist/skeptic forum and define atheism as the belief that science has successfully disproved any notion of a God and that all atheists subscribe to the belief system/doctrine of Richard Dawkins. :D
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Lol. I assume you haven't tried to google Christians Against Dinosaurs only to find a mere facebook page with some ridiculous photos?
I have...I think my favorite had to be the one with the woman making out with the Pachycephalosaurus, as I have no doubt there's a Tumblr blog dedicated to precisely that kind of thing...
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I have...I think my favorite had to be the one with the woman making out with the Pachycephalosaurus' date=' as I have no doubt there's a Tumblr blog dedicated to precisely that kind of thing...[/quote'] My favorite thing when I was checking out their Facebook page was one of the suggested pages "Dinosaurs against Christians who are against Dinosaurs" I would totally join that group but it was closed :(
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I'm new to this forum and to being on forums at all for that matter, but I must say that reading this and some other threads really gives me a good feeling about metalforum.com. The statements of people like Iceni, RelentlessOblivion, FatherAlabaster and Mere are well formulated, well informed and also keep a gentle unprejudiced tone, which is painfully absent elsewhere (youtube ofc, other forums, but irl too). Interesting though that I would find such great comments in a thread started by a rather fundamental and unarguable person. Personally, I found the humor in the opening text rather funny (of course, having not felt offended by it). As it has turned out every time I'm at a gig or metal festival, there are shitloads of stereotypes everywhere, myself included, and we are both drunk as hell, sweaty and horny. And yes I can safely say there are a lot of ungodly Norwegians in clown make-up doing ungodly music releasing videos of themselves being just that too :) I believe that humor can go a long way, as FatherAlabaster proved with the dinosaur pictures. As for the dinosaurs; obviously they are of satanic brood and metal as all hell. They do whatever they want, obey no rules, have horns and make goat sacrifices (see the documentaries "Jurassic Park" and "The Lost World" for proof of my claims). Actually, I even found a new T-rex like species being drunk with my friends last year which we named "Assrapeosaurus". To honor the discovery, we decided to make a papier maché miniature of it and use it as our band mascot. Why, then, do metal music fans (and other people for that matter) believe in dinosaurs? Because they did exist.

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