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Would the world be a better place today if Hitler conquered the world?


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Just a thought really. If Hitler conquered the world by say 1950, would the world be a more harmonious place today given the passage of 60 years would likely see a lot of the old tensions die with the people who held them? Also, as obviously horrible as the Holocaust was, if it had persisted, and likely have claimed other groups/religions too, would there be there still be the ethnic and religious divides that blight the world today? Would we have had the 'glorious 1000 years', instead of the horrible shit we get in this timeline? P.S. This in no way condones Hitler, Nazis etc. So no hate please, just thoughts!

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Hitler was an economic genius so in terms of the global financial situation we would certainly be better off. The world's population would also be much smaller given Hitler's continued genocides based on race and religion so it is likely famine would no longer be an issue. However civil unrest would be high as it was in Germany during WWII and tensions would still exist between the common people and those in positions of power under a fascist regime. It is also questionable whether we would have made the same technological advances under a Nazi regime.

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I wouldn't be so fast to say that the world would be a "better place", nor do I think the whole world being under one regime is likely to yield good results, but as Relentless pointed out, there are definitely things that one could logically assume would be nonissues or considerably better today, in theory, had they been handled in the manner that Hitler did in his time of power. Technological advancements included, to my understanding there were a lot of scientific and technological advancements under the Nazi regime, Hitler seemed to place great value in scientists, even though they...yaknow...used Jews as lab rats and all. Its an interesting thing to ponder really. Id like to see what some legit history and econ buffs around here have to add to this

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Hitler was an economic genius so in terms of the global financial situation we would certainly be better off. The world's population would also be much smaller given Hitler's continued genocides based on race and religion so it is likely famine would no longer be an issue. However civil unrest would be high as it was in Germany during WWII and tensions would still exist between the common people and those in positions of power under a fascist regime. It is also questionable whether we would have made the same technological advances under a Nazi regime.
To be fair, it's very hard to know if the technological advances would have been comparable given the fact that most breakthroughs have tended to come from capitalist companies competing in the free market in that timespan. We don't have any comprehension or certainty of what would be achieved with an environment of cooperation only. We have little to know basis in history of such a thing to form an opinion on. Sent from my GT-I5500 using Tapatalk 2
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But we do. We can look to the Soviet union who fell behind the capitalist nations in a wide range of technologies. Where they were comparable to the western world at the time was in terms of military hardware primarily. We can safely say that technology would be at least ten years behind where it is now. Additionally the ever shrinking global populace would likely lead to an increase in many genetic disorders as the gene pool became shallower. With no global superpower to challenge the Nazi rule we wouldn't have the innovations of the Cold War so in actual fact technology would likely be forty years behind where it is now.

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I wouldn't be so fast to say that the world would be a "better place"' date=' nor do I think the whole world being under one regime is likely to yield good results, but as Relentless pointed out, there are definitely things that one could logically assume would be nonissues or considerably better today, in theory, had they been handled in the manner that Hitler did in his time of power. Technological advancements included, to my understanding there were a lot of scientific and technological advancements under the Nazi regime, Hitler seemed to place great value in scientists, even though they...yaknow...used Jews as lab rats and all. Its an interesting thing to ponder really. Id like to see what some legit history and econ buffs around here have to add to this[/quote'] I'm not stating it as any kind of fact, just curiosity of what could of been in an alternate history. i wouldn't want to live under a Nazi regime thanks. Then again, the west's idea of democracy is hardly perfect. You're missing my point. I'm talking on a fully global scale. Not continents, regions etc. We have no real basis for a fully global cooperative technological effort over a long period of time (I should have been clearer in my original post, but typing long arse posts on a phone with a 2.5 inch display isn't my idea of fun). In certain areas like science there's a tempting (to me at least) glimpse of what could be. Competition is good for advancement, but I'm not convinced it the best we can do.
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It is an interesting discussion. We are starting to see that in western society though with thousands of researchers all striving for the same goal in fields of medicine, energy production, and military technology. I imagine though that a Nazi world would be like living in George Orwel's 1984.

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It is an interesting discussion. We are starting to see that in western society though with thousands of researchers all striving for the same goal in fields of medicine, energy production, and military technology. I imagine though that a Nazi world would be like living in George Orwel's 1984.
Apart from military technology, that's a great thing IMO. We have enough shit to kill each other with thanks. As for 1984, we aren't exactly far from that are we? The U.K is a society under VERY heavy surveillance, and that's just the crap we know about. The U.S seems almost as bad, and in reality is probably worse. We constantly have our liberties eroded under the guise of protection in the U.K. In fact, didn't I read that Oz is putting through an act that will forbid the press from reporting whistle-blowers' stories? That's pretty fucked up.
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That's why the world loves Aussies. In fact that's why the world should be run by Aussies.
I dunno about ruling the world though. But seriously, that's why I like Aussies so much, The generally laid-back attitude and blunt honesty is something I respect immensely. Also the accents cool, and the women are fucking fit.
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"Hey guys I got a great idea, you know that new country we found? that one that's really big and sunny all the time? Why don't we send all our prisoners over there?" "But wait, wouldn't it be better for us to go there and leave them here?" "Don't be daft, why whatever would we do with all our tea and biscuits?" Mate don't you just love knowing that conversation actually happened?

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"Hey guys I got a great idea, you know that new country we found? that one that's really big and sunny all the time? Why don't we send all our prisoners over there?" "But wait, wouldn't it be better for us to go there and leave them here?" "Don't be daft, why whatever would we do with all our tea and biscuits?" Mate don't you just love knowing that conversation actually happened?
No.... :'(
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But hey look on the bright side. The most pressing danger you face over there is running out of tea. Down here there are 100 different animals that can kill us.
I dunno, my cat scratched pretty deep across my wrist veins the other day when play fighting with her. Could of ended badly for me.
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