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Dream cars.


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Then again since I can't drive I guess it's a moot point...


On the other hand I have a clear idea of my dream tandem bike. Already have the frame but to have my dream bike all the non load-bearing parts need to be carbon fiber, I need high-end racing wheels, and she needs to run the Sram Red groupset. That setup will make her a pro level bike and probably see the overall weight (with all components) drop from 11 to 9 kilograms. Heavy in comparison to a single bike but for a tandem that would make mine comfortably the lightest bike that's actually fit to race.

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The new Ford GT looks incredible, as does the Rezvani Beast and the Zenos E-10 and Sector111 Drakan Spyder will apparently be excellent American counterpoints to the traditionally English-dominated world of ultralight sports cars. Apparently the Zenos will be pretty cheap too. Interestingly, the Drakan Spyder is actually produced by a company that heads dealerships selling Ariel Atoms and BAC Monos, and acknowledged the British influence in their craftsmanship. Throw the Mexican-American cooperative venture, the Vuhl 05, in there for good measure.

If you're an American gearhead it's a pretty good time to be alive. Sure, the Viper's gonna go out of production but at least it dies looking its absolute best. Let's hope the proposed 1,700hp hybrid PSC SP-200 SIN (and its allegedly 680-hp sub-$100,000 brother the SP-150) get made and completely blast the doors offa this Chiron thing. For that matter maybe SSC can release that Tuatara at the same time and the USA will have three Veyron-smashers on the table.

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The new Ford GT looks incredible, as does the Rezvani Beast and the Zenos E-10 and Sector111 Drakan Spyder will apparently be excellent American counterpoints to the traditionally English-dominated world of ultralight sports cars. Apparently the Zenos will be pretty cheap too. Interestingly, the Drakan Spyder is actually produced by a company that heads dealerships selling Ariel Atoms and BAC Monos, and acknowledged the British influence in their craftsmanship. Throw the Mexican-American cooperative venture, the Vuhl 05, in there for good measure.

If you're an American gearhead it's a pretty good time to be alive. Sure, the Viper's gonna go out of production but at least it dies looking its absolute best. Let's hope the proposed 1,700hp hybrid PSC SP-200 SIN (and its allegedly 680-hp sub-$100,000 brother the SP-150) get made and completely blast the doors offa this Chiron thing. For that matter maybe SSC can release that Tuatara at the same time and the USA will have three Veyron-smashers on the table.

I love the new Ford GT, but out of the cars you listed my top one would have to be the Rezvani;



 IMO It looks quite Aston Martin esque, like a concept car they would make, but at the same time it looks very unique.

Also, I would have to disagree on the new Viper looking the best, it still looks incredible, (Infact there has never been a single iteration of the Viper I have disliked), but my favourite will always be the Viper SRT-10.

Edited by H34VYM3T4LD4V3
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In my opinion the Viper has never been a nice car to look at. That's just my opinion though and I certainly won't scoff at the performance. As they would say on Top Gear though how did the Americans extract so few horsepower from such a large engine?


Also, even though it was only mentioned in reference to another car, the Ariel Atom is my favourite car mentioned by Iceni in that post...especially the V8 version because it is completely bonkers.

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Also, even though it was only mentioned in reference to another car, the Ariel Atom is my favourite car mentioned by Iceni in that post...especially the V8 version because it is completely bonkers.

Oh, I was only looking at the 3 in the first sentence haha, but if we were talking about all of them i'd have to agree with you, the Atom looks and sounds awesome, although it was pretty close between that and the Mono, that car was made in Speke, Liverpool, 30 miles away from where I live.

Edited by H34VYM3T4LD4V3
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I love the new Ford GT, but out of the cars you listed my top one would have to be the Rezvani;

 IMO It looks quite Aston Martin esque, like a concept car they would make, but at the same time it looks very unique.

Also, I would have to disagree on the new Viper looking the best, it still looks incredible, (Infact there has never been a single iteration of the Viper I have disliked), but my favourite will always be the Viper SRT-10.

I agree on the Aston Martin point, the Beast looks a lot like the awesome Vulcan.

D'you mean the second-gen Viper? SRT-10 is just the performance tag, like SS or GT, it's not a specific model. I like the new one because it's so crisp and yet kinda swoopy. I miss the really curvy flights of fancy that prevailed in the late 90's to early 2000s, cars now are generally really angular. Not that I dislike that, I think it's a fantastic direction (the Lamborghini Veneno being a particularly fantastic incarnation), but I do really like the smoother lines that they replaced as well.

I've actually done a handful of car design sketches lately, maybe I'll put them up here at some point.

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I love the new Ford GT, but out of the cars you listed my top one would have to be the  good looking car dave



 IMO It looks quite Aston Martin esque, like a concept car they would make, but at the same time it looks very unique.

Also, I would have to disagree on the new Viper looking the best, it still looks incredible, (Infact there has never been a single iteration of the Viper I have disliked), but my favourite will always be the Viper SRT-10.


Edited by deathstorm
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I agree on the Aston Martin point, the Beast looks a lot like the awesome Vulcan.

D'you mean the second-gen Viper? SRT-10 is just the performance tag, like SS or GT, it's not a specific model. I like the new one because it's so crisp and yet kinda swoopy. I miss the really curvy flights of fancy that prevailed in the late 90's to early 2000s, cars now are generally really angular. Not that I dislike that, I think it's a fantastic direction (the Lamborghini Veneno being a particularly fantastic incarnation), but I do really like the smoother lines that they replaced as well.

I've actually done a handful of car design sketches lately, maybe I'll put them up here at some point.

Oops, I meant the third gen Viper :P here's a pic of one to go with the post (this is what I'd want mine to look like).


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^That's a second-gen Viper unless the classification is different in the UK. Why you lot would get another Viper that we never saw I don't know. Then again, you get the Focus RS Mk.II and RS500 and we gotta do with a 4-door version for some reason.

This might help things. That said, I like that song too...I remember it being big in South Africa when I was about 7.

Ferrari still tend to do the whole curvy car thing. F430, 458 Italia, 575, I do so enjoy Ferraris.

Ever since the Testarossa they've just gotten better. The 60's Ferraris do have superb styling, but the LaFerrari and F12 are the best-looking I've ever seen. That and the FX one-off ordered by that Bruneian sultan.


Man, McLaren came outta nowhere though, didn't they? Went dormant in 1998 and all of a sudden in the past 5 years they've released...what, 4 new models? Dunno why they decided to make 3 of them look the same. The P1 is a fantastic design, but not even Porsche self-plaigarize that badly.

Edited by Iceni
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Aston freakin' Martin? DB9, Vantage, Vanquish, DBS, Rapide, One-77, Virage all pretty much the same car with slightly different engines.


Also the SLR McLaren was done about 10 years ago and they have spent a lot of time making F1 cars that haven't been performing until, well, until this year actually.

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I guess thats what I get for just tying 3rd gen viper into google images, looked on wikipedia and yes it is a 2nd gen but it turns out it's known as the dodge SRT-10 but only in the UK.

also speaking of Ferrari and Mclaren, I always thought the nicest looking out of the P1, Laferrari and 918 was the Porsche, I just think the front looks really nice and it's their most unique since the Carrera GT.


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