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I need help to my "anti-metal dad" problem


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He thinks metal is satanic and all typical bullshit Death, Megadeth, Slipknot, Metallica aren't satanic you stereotype cocksucker He also wants me to change my Slipknot cover photo, another bullshit right there. if he's scared of metal because its satanic then he should think his horror fucking movies are satanic too. Its ok if he just said that he doesn't like metal because he doesn't like the sound, but "satanic"? Fuck you, dad. its just plain disrespectful and deeply frustrating he fucking listens to pop. Bitches like rihanna, nicki minaj. Seriously, what the FUCK is his problem? he should fucking research first on how his bullshit is zero fucking percent true sure there are satanic bands like those black metal types but NO, I DONT FUCKING LISTEN TO THEM SO CALM YOUR FUCKING TITS YOU FUCKING STUPID DAD. Sorry I can't say this to him personally, because things are gonna happen. So it just sucks to have a fucking stereotype dad. FUCK YOU AND YOUR STEREOTYPENESS, DAD. (I still love him outside this stereotype job, its just... Fuck it, man)

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Re: My dad is an asshole

if he's scared of metal because its satanic then he should think his horror fucking movies are satanic too.
I've often wondered the same. Another good example would be outside the horror genre, all of those CSI type shows describe lurid details of serial killers and show gruesome autopsy level gore, but metal is evil, and don't even think or talk about sex. Even though nobody here would exist without it, you must keep it a mystical secret and not see it as the beautiful thing it is. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
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It's quite perplexing to be honest. Metal causes a moral panic yet far more vivid depictions of violence and gore which reach a far greater audience are perfectly acceptable. You can't watch the news without hearing about grotesque atrocities that are being committed yet that's ok? But if you want to educate kids about sex so they don't do something stupid and fuck up their life at a young age all hell breaks loose.

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And also, Slipknot should also give some free candies for my dad's fucking sake. Halloween - you wear masks, look scary or look silly. That's just no metal music, but its still the same. What I'm trying to say is halloween is supposed to be scary, noone hates it. Metal is supposed to be scary, whining bitches hate it. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK IS FUCKING THOSE FUCKING FUCKS? (Google translate: What is happening to society?)

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Hmm feel free to tell me if I'm clutching at straws here but you said in your intro you were from the Phillipines (I think anyway, fact checking at 11:37pm is not going to happen)? His stubborn nature may have something to do with a difference in culture. It's a similar issue for metalheads in other countries actually. In India for instance there seems to be a common anti-metal approach taken by parents (based on segments from the documentary Global Metal anyway).

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That's a shame. A lot of bands have deep themes but aren't Satanic. There are many different ways of interpreting things, they don't always have to be taken literally. I remember having huge fights with my parents when I started listening to Iron Maiden and Slayer. I hope you can get through to your Dad. Good luck.

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Hmm feel free to tell me if I'm clutching at straws here but you said in your intro you were from the Phillipines (I think anyway' date=' fact checking at 11:37pm is not going to happen)? His stubborn nature may have something to do with a difference in culture. It's a similar issue for metalheads in other countries actually. In India for instance there seems to be a common anti-metal approach taken by parents (based on segments from the documentary Global Metal anyway).[/quote'] Yep, Filipinos are always stick-to-famous stuff, that's why everyone here likes pop. Slipknot, Megadeth, KoRn, and lots of other famous metal bands had already performed here. They did nothing but film, or just stand there screaming like a little girl but not moshing or headbanging even. (Dude, I wanna fucking get to a metal concert and mosh the fuck out of me, but I can't, I'm just 12 :()
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Goddammit. Dad=shit. My conversation with my dad: Hey dad, I feel like singing all day Yeah, what do you sing? I sing Through Glass by Stone Sour, its hard rock (dad makes a semi facepalm face) all of your words speak out hard rock and metal, I dont like the influence on you. Did you know that they are satanic? (me trying to ignore his fucking assholeness) DUDE! All of your words speak out "satanic hurr durr bitch"! Know your fucking music! Music is music whatever the fuck it is, if music is good then it is! I dont even care if its satanic (sadly, black metal music is not my taste so i think negative to it). What the fuck is the problem with being addicted to metal? Must be satan attracting to his music. No fuck! That's just fucking stupid. What the fuck if I fucking said The Killers (his fav rock band) is fucking satanic? Yep you would feel disrespected and frustrated as much as I am.. Because you know that isn't true! and yeah rock and metal is mostly my music because I'm tired of pop. So what the fuck is your problem babbling them to people all day?? I am addicted to it so usually I will babble the fucking metal out of your asshole mind. Good thing my mom supports me against dad. I love you mom. Hell is unleashed when I start a fight here, so minding that ignore, ignore, ignore. Once again FUCK YOU, DAD.

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Just ignore him mate. In situations where one party is completely unwilling to change their position on a given subject it's best to not get caught up on it. My step-dad is forever referring to my music as "suicidal shite" I just laugh it off. He's also forever insulting the AFL team I support and the fans of that team.

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It's funny how so many people on these kinds of forums talk about Metal being accused of being 'satanic' etc. and yet I can honestly say I've never personally had to deal with this kind of ignorant bull-crap. The worst I've had is the typical 'it's just noise, you can't understand the lyrics' kinda crap. Is the culture here in England really that much more open-minded than everywhere else or have I just been lucky with the people I'm surrounded by? Anyway, as for this question, I'd suggest going with the advice given earlier of showing your dad non-satanic lyrics. Maybe choose something quite positive or even historical, to demonstrate there are in fact brains behind this music and it does have something constructive to say. You might not be into them (I know I'm not), but Iron Maiden could be a good choice. Again, as stated, I've never had to deal with such a situation myself, so cannot advise based on personal experience. Just keep listening. Eventually, the time will come when he sees you have not become a satanist or a mass murderer and he'll see how silly all this fuss was. Good luck! :)

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Thanks bro. I'm really afraid of battling my dad's thoughts because he's that kind of person that you want to mess with but you shouldn't. He's fucking stupid and close-minded, like he always blames things on me even though I did nothing wrong.. And yeah I'm going to be a fucking metal god when I grow up, might be a drummer or death metal vocalist..

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Great idea, join a metal band and really mess with his head. In all seriousness though this may be one of those situations where it simply isn't possible to prove your point. It's a similar situation to that surrounding the paranormal (an area I'm fascinated by) for those with closed minds no proof is possible.

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Dude, start with that: do something with your life instead of writing crap on the internet. What you're doing now is pathetic and childish. If you don't like your father's behavior just say him it and be a men, instead of crying here how he is awful. How old are you anyway?

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No harm to u but I think u need to grow up and start showing some respect to someone that has brought u up!! I had the same issue when I was a kid but I just went underground and listened to what I wanted when my parents weren't listening, hell my da would still say to me that my music n tshirts r awful and I'm near 40!!!! Don't disrespect ur family, once u grow up u'll understand that u need need to respect the 1's close to u rather than get on like a cheeky wee spoilt brat!!!

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