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your biggest accoplishments/goals in life?

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It's weird, I feel like my accomplishments are mostly things that I hadn't set out to do; I never thought I'd be married, let alone have a kid. But I have to say taking care of my kid is one of the most fulfilling things in life, right now (as much as I need a break every now and again). The albums I've recorded with Black Harvest and other bands are accomplishments, I suppose, but only in a personal way; I occasionally hear from someone who's listened to my music and found some meaning in it, and that's what I appreciate the most. I can't consider graduating from art college to be an accomplishment, because in the intervening years, I've only done a few paintings, and I've been so focused on music that I haven't even attempted to establish myself as a working artist. I'm frequently bitter about the amount of time and energy, not to mention money, I've spent on what might seem frivolous to a lot of people, especially when I see very little financial return. But I keep making music because I'm not myself without it, and I'm trying to paint my way back out of the box I put myself in. As much as I haven't done many of the things I "wanted" to do, I can't help but notice how little my underlying goals have changed since I was a 13-year old high school kid; and at the same time I'm always reminded of something one of my older friends said years ago, when I asked him whether he was proud of the music he'd done in the past. He said he supposed it was cool to have done certain things, but that he cared a lot more about whatever was happening right now than he did about the things he'd done in the past. I feel the same way. I'm lost unless I have some goal, some project to work on. I'm frequently scared by the thought that I might have already done the best art or music that I'll ever do, and that's part of what keeps driving me to make them better.

My goal is to hopefully one day listen to more than five bands.
Sounds like you better get busy with that.
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Well, it could be a number of things: making it up to about #30 on the Academic All-Americans list (the top 1.5% of some 10,000 national competitors in Speech and Debate) certainly stands out, although getting into Georgetown ranks high as well. Still, the fact that I've had such a great relationship with my family is something I'm proud of even though they're just as responsible for that as I am, or more so.

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If you read his signature, you should understand why I said that. On a more serious note, I guess my goals are to be successful. I don't want I want to do, but I know I want to succeed. I don't want to be mediocre at whatever I end up being, I want to be among the best. I just finished my first semester in college and I made an A in all of my classes. One goal is to continue this streak and make an A in every class I take while at college. I declared Mathematics and Computer Science as a major; I haven't planned what I'm going to do specifically with that, but I know I want to use those subjects, more so Mathematics than Computer Science- they go hand-in-hand so I figured "what the heck, why not declare Computer Science since I'm already taking a bunch of classes for it?" (Computer Science uses many of the same classes as Mathematics.) I also got an invitation from Alpha Lambda Delta, which is an Honors Society that requires you to be in the top 20% of your class, so another goal would be to keep on climbing and hit the top ten by the time I graduate. I goofed off for most of high school; it wasn't until the middle of my junior year that I starting taking school seriously. So there's my goal- to make up for what I didn't do in high school.

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I don't really think I have accomplished much at this point in my life, I am only 19 almost 20 so I have a long while to go. I have a beautiful girlfriend and I hope that we are going to have a future together. We already talk about the future and what our lives are going to be like, we have only been dating for almost 7 months and we love each other very much. At school I didn't really get high grades, me and my mates used to skip a lot of classes to jam in the band room, we were lazy when it came to academics. With sport, I have gone far in my kayaking, I have done several sprint and marathon competitions and have had first, second, and third medals in all of them. I have done the murray marothon which is a 5 day event. And I broke a time record for one of the legs on day three of the competition. I did well in art at shool and was put in the school magazine for 2011. Overall I think my life is going well :)

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Some of my bigger goals: See the world, travel extensively. I've partially met this goal, but I have much more to do. Become a (good) vocalist. This may never happen, but I have a good set of pipes and "perfect pitch" as well. There's a number of singing styles I like, but I do need professional voice coaching. While being in a band seems tempting, it's probably too much. I would love to have a friend, or a few friends, who maybe jam on guitar, whom I could sing and collaborate with. Become multi-lingual. Currently I speak English, and I am slow with Spanish, but I speak it. I have always wanted the experience of becoming fluent in another language and having that "ah-ha!" breakthrough moment where it all clicks into place and you suddenly are dreaming and thinking in that language. I am currently studying moderately hard on my Swedish. Expand my artistic skills. I want to get really strong with cinema 4D, as well as digital animation and rigging. I also want to get back to doing plasticine sculpting. Become physically stronger. I have managed to drop a lot of my body fat and am getting leaner, but what I really want is to be quite strong. Not body-builder strong, but definitely athletic. I dont have a body goal, just a "feel" goal. I'm on my way there, but a long way to go. Leave America. It is a goal of mine and has been for 10+ years to leave this country and start a new life elsewhere. This may come to pass with my husband having real estate in Scotland and France. As heartbreaking and hard as it would be to part with beautiful northern California, I have a strange calling inside me, and I feel like I need to get out and throw myself into something new and unknown. Hard to explain really but I guess by my nature I'm risky and adventurous. Be Happy. This is the big one and I tend to follow my heart down long, wonderland-bound rabbit holes, but doing the things that bring me happiness are top of my list. I live for me, and I guess it's a bit selfish but there's only one life to live and I feel like I never really started to live life and be happy until mid 20's, and then things got really shitty for a while, but have turned back a happy route the last year or so. I've been through far too much shit to be unhappy because of outside factors and reminding myself to keep that goal in mind, and do what makes me happy, is important to me.

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Some of my bigger goals:Become multi-lingual. Currently I speak English' date=' and I am slow with Spanish, but I speak it. I have always wanted the experience of becoming fluent in another language and having that "ah-ha!" breakthrough moment where it all clicks into place and you suddenly are dreaming and thinking in that language. I am currently studying moderately hard on my Swedish.[/quote']It's neat that you mention that, I'm also studying different languages. Right now I'm looking at Hebrew and Greek. I'm focusing more on Greek and not as much with Hebrew, but I'm being sure to read basic stuff so I don't forget the alphabet.
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Leave America. It is a goal of mine and has been for 10+ years to leave this country and start a new life elsewhere. This may come to pass with my husband having real estate in Scotland and France. As heartbreaking and hard as it would be to part with beautiful northern California, I have a strange calling inside me, and I feel like I need to get out and throw myself into something new and unknown. Hard to explain really but I guess by my nature I'm risky and adventurous.
I've never lived in any one town more than six years, though that's not really under my control...
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I've never lived in any one town more than six years' date=' though that's not really under my control...[/quote'] This has been a trend throughout my life as well. I lived in a lot of different places growing up, mostly NY state and NJ, and I'd probably been to ten different schools before we moved to North Carolina. Then, I lived in the same city for about ten years but my family still managed to move five or six times. My 20s were even worse; one year I had to file tax returns in three states. I think the apartment my wife and I have in Brooklyn now is the place I've lived the longest, but she hates the city, so this one's temporary too. I haven't had a place that felt like home since my first apartment when I was a teenager.
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My goal is to hopefully one day listen to more than five bands.
Sounds like you better get busy with that.
I've certainly made some progress since I posted that. Now I've started listening to Avenged Sevenfold, Slipknot, Five Finger Death Punch, Linkin Park, and Bullet For My Valentine. Plus I still listen to Metallica like before. And What's all this about Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning? I've never heard of those two bands.
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Better understanding myself, the world around me, and that which I can't always grasp. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
Just you wait till your kid is born! I mean that in the best possible way. It was an extremely profound experience for me. I can't call it an accomplishment; an accomplishment will be doing my best as a father throughout his childhood. I'm betting you'll have a similarly meaningful experience.:)
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Some good beer in a hand, calm around me and music in the background. I achieved many of my goals, and I will propably achieve the rest in the future. So now I just wish to have more good albums and taste beer from around the world. BTW I just realize that in the local store with beers there is a one called Iron Maiden, with Eddie on the label. I must defenitely try it out hehe, although it's not cheap.

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