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True Belief

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Posts posted by True Belief

  1. 10 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    I'm here to inform you that there have been 164 recorded births of males named Eugene in Australia in the 75 years between 1944 and 2019. 

    And every one of them would have put lemonade in their beer at some point (possibly not the little dude from 2019).

  2. 7 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Is that generally the sign for: tonight's your lucky night? Should've jumped in there with her to harmonize the chorus.

    Yep. Didn’t realise I was a Wanted Man….let’s just put it down to a Lack of Communication.. 

    Sorry guys, I’ll show myself out.

    9 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    I dig the debut and Empiricism. They're a weird band for me though, there isn't much middle ground. I can't find anything to latch on to in their other stuff and I kinda hate some of it. It's like the planets just happened to align for a couple of albums. 

    NP: Opeth - Still Life

    My first Opeth album; Godhead’s Lament probably my favourite Opeth song ever.

  3. 10 hours ago, navybsn said:

    Which transport did you get? I've been thinking of getting a new one. I really like the convenience of my server, but there are a few CD's I have that I randomly want to play but not rip, and the server has the occasional annoying hiccup that while not catastrophic are still aggravating. Also annoying is that some files load as duplicates which means that the albums have to be manually added to a playlist to avoid that. Plus, I just really like audio gear....

    Borknagar has the ignoble distinction of being the quickest set I have ever walked out on. I've probably walked out on 100+ sets over the years. I will usually stick around for 1-2 songs even for shitty bands I'm not really interested in, but I only lasted 15 seconds into their 2019 set at MDF. Fucking wretched. As soon as IC Rex started singing, I was out.

    I went with the Audiolab 6000cdt, which I run into my NAIM DAC/Amp. Looked at the Audiolab 6000 Amp but given I already use the NAIM system it made sense to keep it that way. 

    *Gee, no love for Borknagar 

  4. Since I bought a new CD Transport my listening has reverted back 90% to hard copy. Absolutely loving it too.

    Tonight’s (Decision) has seen the following rotate through:

    Paradise Lost - Icon

    Goatwhore - Constricting Rage of the Merciless

    Katatonia - Tonight’s Decision

    Novembre - Classica

    Borknagar - True North 

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