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True Belief

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Posts posted by True Belief

  1. The "good Iced Earth" comparison caught my attention, as I've heard this band's name, but never listened. Iced Earth really could be great when they wanted to, but ended up falling flat on their faces for a good chunk of their recorded output, not to mention Schaffer's nutty neo-conservative conspiracy theory bullshit in recent years. Is the one you posted a good starting point for this band?

    Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

    Yeah it’s a good place to start. From memory this is the third and final album Gus G appeared on. The follow-up Savage Souls is great as is Satanic Curses.

  2. NP:
    Katatonia - Jhva Elohim Meth
    Katatonia - For Funerals To Come
    Rotting Christ - Triarchy Of The Lost Lovers ( [mention=12660]gregsbrews[/mention], if you feel like stepping outside of the Swedish melodeath scene for a minute, this album is full of excellent guitar melodies.)

    Win, win and win.
  3. I'm really enjoying ATG so far after going through the first 2 albums. The drumming and the riffs are awesome. However, maybe it's just a matter of what I'm used to but I find myself wishing I could mute the vocals and just listen to the rest of the band. I'm not sure what you call it but the little whiny "cracks" between Lindberg's shrieks, kinda like an adolescent male voice cracking because it's changing, annoy me. Again maybe it's just a style I'm not used to.

    Check out Eucharist’s “Mirrorworlds” and Unanimated’s “Ancient God of Evil” for similar bands of note. Unanimated’s “Life Demise”a great little tune to get you into the vibe....
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