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True Belief

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Posts posted by True Belief

  1. On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 9:47 PM, MattCantina said:

    Necros Christos - Domedon Doxomedon; you know you are listening to this band when a single album is comprised of 27 songs, half of them being either ambient interludes or ritualistic chants

    Yeah I read this was out...haven't paid them that much attention since Doom of the Occult. Damn that was so long ago now...

    13 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

    Mournful Congregation “Incubus of Karma”

    Aura Noir “Aura Noire”


    Had 'Black Thrash Attack' on last week. Aura Noire sounds pretty good to my ears too with 'Shades Ablaze' getting repeat listens.

    On ‎5‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 12:41 PM, Ekthelion said:

    Taramis - Queen of Thieves 

    Matthias Steele - Haunting Tales of a Warrior's Past 

    @FatherAlabaster You may be quite interested in these given your current listens. 

    Where the fuck did you get a copy of that Taramis? Jeez that's going back years and years. There used to a one metal shop in Melbourne called (funnily enough) "Metal for Melbourne" and once a year there was a huge metal gig named after the shop. Bands like Taramis, Tyrus, Armoured Angel, Nothing Sacred would play it. We are talking  middle to late 80s. 

  2. On ‎5‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 4:52 AM, FatherAlabaster said:

    Apollo Ra - Ra Pariah

    Lethal - Programmed

    Heir Apparent - Graceful Inheritance

    Titan Force - s/t   ...this is another one that I seem to like better and better the more I listen to it.


    Wow...Heir Apparent & Lethal. I have both those albums. Have you considered adding Mike Howe's pre-Metal Church band Heretic 'Breaking Point' into that potent mix..??

  3. On ‎5‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 12:25 AM, Ikard said:

    Holy fuck that looks like a good time and a half. Where is this.

    Got it at the café just down the road. People come form all parts of the local area to sample this and other delicacies.

  4. I've been told that, but I was told that about these albums too, so I haven't bought any of their efforts from this decade. I didn't buy Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us either, I'm pretty sure it was a gift from our friend NeverMike. At least I didn't pay for it 

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  5. Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us, Death Unites Us

    Yeah, this one is heading for the recycle bin too. I'm not sure why they were trying to sound like The Pale Haunt Departure era Novembers Doom here, or why they decided to add the contrived aggression in many of the songs, but it doesn't work and it doesn't make the radio rock base sound any better.

    Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

    You’re slowly working your way to Tragic Idol and The Plague Within. Both worth the effort.
  6. Apollo Ra - Ra Pariah   [mention=8729]True Belief[/mention], you know this album? Seems right up your alley.

    Queensryche - The Warning

    Lethal - Programmed

    I can attest to Ra Pariah's quality. 


    Found the 2014 re-release of Ra Pariah. Listened through. Fair set of pipes on this guy! Damn. Enjoying this a lot. Nice recommendation!

  7. Apollo Ra - Ra Pariah   [mention=8729]True Belief[/mention], you know this album? Seems right up your alley.
    Queensryche - The Warning
    Lethal - Programmed

    I don’t know much about them at all.

    Given the pedigree of the two albums you’ve slotted them in alongside there, I will try and track them down. I see they only released a couple of demo’s......
  8. There's no accounting for taste. De Gustibus Non Dispotandum, as the Romans used to say. Indisputable. It's not for me to say what other people should and shouldn't like ... but I claim self-ownership and full responsibility for my own shit. It was a grim realization, coming to terms with how your childhood heroes was turning into a disco band. 
    Which reminds me ... I remember being dumbfounded by the "new" Deep Purple too. House Of The Blue Light? Jeez.

    At least KISS redeemed themselves on Unmasked. Their creative peak.

  9. During most of the 80s and well into the 90s I worked at almost every big gig that came to town, which means that I got to witness all the shows by all the fucking hair metal bands over and over and over again. Let me assure you, that sucks, even if you get paid for the discomfort. I have no love for Poison, Ratt, Bon Jovi and that sort of thing. 

    But if there's "one ring to rule them all" in this respect, it's gotta be Dynasty by Kiss. That was a real WTF moment.

    Wow I’d have loved to be you. Ratt are great.

    Dynasty sure sucks (and you can add in the 4 Solo albums too) but it’s gotta be worth owning purely for the majesty of ‘Sure Know Something’.? One of the finest KISS songs of all time.
  10. Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost

    I remember buying this shortly after it was released because I was told (by a source I would later find to be quite unreliable) that it was their return to metal. I haven't listened to it since then, and I don't think I'll be hearing it again in the future, as it's on its way to the recycle bin. There were maybe 2 songs here that sounded the slightest bit like Paradise Lost, the rest was really awful alternative radio hard rock that nobody in the metal community would listen to if it was released by a different band. This is for fans of Three Days Grace,Trapt, and A Perfect Circle, not fans of Draconian Times and Icon.

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    I like the first 3 songs but lose interest thereafter. I know good ol’ Req loves this but I seldom spin it. It was kind of a ‘first step’ back to metal but not quite there in terms of song quality.
  11. Paradise Lost - Live Enchantment (bootleg)

    The set list is similar to the other Draconian Times era bootleg I mentioned, but the mix is more balanced. The vocals seem to be the highlight here, as Nick sound great, while the guitars are slightly muted. Pretty good recording overall.

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    Where are all these mystical PL bootlegs coming from...??
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