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True Belief

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Posts posted by True Belief

  1. 27 minutes ago, MacabreEternal said:

    At the Drive-In "Relationship of Command" - in a horrible flux of mood this morning following a very pleasant start to the day with a cherished (already) gift from the gf for Valentine's, then starting work and dealing with deliberately awkward people with massive chips on their shoulders.  I searched on shuffle for something to come on to fit the mood now and At The Drive-In fits fucking perfectly!

    great album

  2. Ah, excellent. I've resolved to buy the other Saor releases too at some point. From what I've heard of the new album it sort of confirms in my mind that Saor are one of the best projects in the world right now. 
    Been playing some My Dying Bride albums lately, especially albums I haven't heard in a while: 
    'A Line of Deathless Kings' - amazing album and much better than I usually give it credit for. The opening track is the weakest, all the others are (mostly) killer. 
    'For Lies I Sire' - also really good. 
    'A Map of All Our Failures' - doesn't do it for me. This and the EP track 'Barghest o' Whitby' (great title) just plod along for the most part with fairly uninspiring riffs. The riffs are often bland with no chill-down-the-neck factor.
    What really lets this album down - and to a lesser degree 'Feel the Misery' - are Aaron's vocals. For some reason he's become quite whiney rather than the graceful croon of the past. His flow is also quite awkward, with an unbalanced number of syllables per line that are just forced in there. I also maintain there are too many lyrics in most of the songs and he needs to shoosh a bit so that the music can do its thing. It's weird that this is happening at this stage of his long and illustrious career. 
    Let's hope the next album sees a bit more class and good decision-making from Aaron and the lads. 

    I’ve always had a soft spot for A Line of Deathless Kings. Something to do with ‘time and place’ but also the meaty production. The bottom end is great.

    Also Thy Raven Wings is my fave MDB song ever. The album is pretty straight ahead metal to me, kinda stands out as having a more simplified approach to it. Like someone said “let’s write a metal album” not “let’s write a doom metal album”.

    For Lies & A Map are interchangeable for me in sound, production, structure and approach. Save for the fact that A Map... includes the majestic The Poorest Waltz.
  3. Found this on Amazon by complete accident a couple of months ago while looking for something totally unrelated and jumped on it. I've only flipped through it a bit and there's tons of old photographs I've never seen before. Finally getting around to reading it for real. 
    Also this somehow happened just now. [emoji15] [emoji23]

    I’ve got that Mayhem book and I’m pretty sure Requiem does too. Fantastic.
  4. Check out the one (and only) album from Russia’s Scald “Will of Gods is Great Power”. Behold the single greatest epic-doom metal song ever recorded - “Night Sky”. The riff from about 5.50 is massive.

    Very obscure band and release.

    Singer sadly killed in a train accident and band dissolved thereafter. Hence only 1 album.

  5. Ozzy - Blizzard of Oz

    Soilwork “Verkligheten”
    Malevolent Creation “The 13th Beast”
    Flotsam & Jetsam “The End Of Chaos”

    I’m interested to hear your thoughts about Malevolent Creation in particular. I’ve only read shitty reviews but the 3-4 songs I’ve heard sound interesting enough to wanna check this one out.

    Also, that Flotsam album sounds great to me so far. Need to give it repeat listens but I’m quite enjoying it.
  6. Overkill “Last Man Standing”

    Got high hopes for the new album if this is any fair representation of what is to come.  Energetic thrash metal with a big, menacing build up on the intro.  Roll on Feb.


    New song ‘Head of a Pin’ is not so impressive. Gets better mid way through. Still, looking forward to the album.

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