I hope everyone is doing well. I am sorry for my crazy hiatus from the forum over the last few months. I guess when I got the bad grades last semester I just wanted no part of anything except facebook to talk to family and friends, and homework to guarantee my success. Turns out I ended this semester with a 3.7 GPA and will receive my masters degree the end of July=) I will be moving out of shitty Cleveland afterwards and heading to Germany August 1=) These past few months have been emotional roller coasters of doom, but, I think I am slowly starting to do better. I have had to get used to being in a serious relationship again, I had forgotten how much it can be sometimes, heh. I have also thought about starting to play piano again as well as start cooking classes/ culinary school so that I can get into things that I enjoy again. I am going to Florida in a couple of weeks with my boyfriend and his band in Tampa and will be hanging out with Black Milk aka Evan =D How has everyone been doing with their lives? I see and speak to some on facebook, but I would like to know how others are doing =)