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mindy6158 last won the day on January 5 2016

mindy6158 had the most liked content!

2 Stalkers

About mindy6158

  • Birthday 04/24/1988


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  • Interests
    music, anime, bows, food, sewing.
  • Occupation
    student of social work=)

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  1. This made me very sad. I guess since I graduated in 2016 I've devoted much of my time scrambling to find work and working a lot as well. I had more time as a student I suppose. Im also on facebook quite often as well as IG. I just looked up some of my old posts, god who was I? Haha
  2. I hope everyone is doing well. I am sorry for my crazy hiatus from the forum over the last few months. I guess when I got the bad grades last semester I just wanted no part of anything except facebook to talk to family and friends, and homework to guarantee my success. Turns out I ended this semester with a 3.7 GPA and will receive my masters degree the end of July=) I will be moving out of shitty Cleveland afterwards and heading to Germany August 1=) These past few months have been emotional roller coasters of doom, but, I think I am slowly starting to do better. I have had to get used to being in a serious relationship again, I had forgotten how much it can be sometimes, heh. I have also thought about starting to play piano again as well as start cooking classes/ culinary school so that I can get into things that I enjoy again. I am going to Florida in a couple of weeks with my boyfriend and his band in Tampa and will be hanging out with Black Milk aka Evan =D How has everyone been doing with their lives? I see and speak to some on facebook, but I would like to know how others are doing =)
  3. I hope everyone has been well. I am sorry for my crazy amount of absence lately, with school starting back and my now having a boyfriend, heh, I do not really have time for anything. I have planned a trip to Germany in August to attend WACKEN!!! I am very excited, for the music and food=) How has everyone been doing?
  4. It is quite alright everyone says he looks like Kevin. Hope you and the family are well!!
  5. hahaha that isnt kevin. This is Randy He does look a lot like Kevin in photos, but, in person they look nothing alike. umm.........drank some good alcohol of course =D
  6. HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!! =D I had one of the best New Year's ever this year =)
  7. My friend left a DVD at my home of Decapitated, I have watched it several times already. So sad to watch it though....=(
  8. He said he is not physically abusive?
  9. Tell him to shut the fuck up and that literally everything he is saying you do not care about at all whatsoever?
  10. How did it make things worse?
  11. What do you do when your stepdad talks to you like that? Dude do not let anybody talk to you like that no matter who it is. Also, I would suggest staying away for a little while.
  12. Went to see Necrophobic last night.
  13. Why your eyelashes long as hell and curly. =P Also, nice pic btw.
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