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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Sorry to hear that, man..depression really sucks..I am really pleased you feel positive though, and I wish you all the best
  2. Welcome ..again hope you enjoy..
  3. Hello and Welcome You should start your own thread cos this ones fucked lol! What bands you into?
  4. Yeh...not much though..must check em out more..this is great cheers! I love 'All This and More' would've been awesome to see em with Stiv sucked what happened to him.
  5. Revenge - Behold.Total.Rejection
  6. Check out The Slits 1977 Peel Session it's on YouTube..Crass ones good too..in fact they all were.
  7. Yeh it's a great album I have had that Imgur recommended before, I'll have to check it out..Oh The Adverts..'Gary Gilmore's Eyes'? I don't really know much of their stuff tbh, I have been listening to some old Peel Sessions recently and they have been on a few of those. I miss John Peel, he used to play some cool shit. He has some of the lyrics to 'Teenage Kicks' on his headstone,how about Alien Sex Fiend?
  8. Hey..that's flew in huh..? Lots of success and best wishes for your show. Sounds cool what kinda art do you do?
  9. I didn't say " I don't like em".
  10. You know marra, to be honest, on this forum I couldn't have wished to 'meet' any nicer people. I don't say that to kiss any ass either. I speak how I find. I dunno if you're just wanting a bit of frisk or whatever..but we're a good bunch. As for Babymetal or Ghost BC well they ain't really to my taste but I certainly dig that people get something outta them. That's something I enjoy about metal, the diversity, and I certainly don't close my doors to someone just cos they dig something I don't. So anyway I hope you enjoy it here and hope to have some cool discussions with ya! Respect goes a long way in my eyes... Yes or comments will be merged.
  11. I beg to differ but I think the Folks on this forum have extremely open minds about every topic. Perhaps you should listen to it again then.
  12. Have you actually listened to the album..?
  13. Cool I'm about to have pepperoni pizza with extra peppers
  14. *Please make your way to Introductions Thread to discuss more Pantera
  15. "..And through the sleepless nights..through every endless day..I wanna hear ya say...I REMEMBER YOU.."
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