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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Aha.. tho I don't suppose I will find one in Ullswater..
  2. Haven't had the pleasure ..yet.. How's it going man, hope you're doing good. At least you're wasted so that's a bonus
  3. Wintersun - The Forest Seasons
  4. Captain Beefheart - Ice Cream for Crow
  5. Virus edit due to repetition.. Hacker
  6. Never heard of this! Must check it out..
  7. Hmm missed this thread.. couple of my favourite albums mentioned here..interesting.
  8. Grand Belial's Key - Kosherat Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon
  9. Urgehal - Massive Terrestrial Strike
  10. Bornholm - ..On the way of the Hunting Moon
  11. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing
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