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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. I think maybe..I'll go check it out cheers Sal edit. I had em faved on ma chan nice. np. Urgehal - Through Thick Fog Till Death
  2. Yeh it's a really great album. One of my favourites too.
  3. Nocturnal Depression - Four Seasons..
  4. Welcome I enjoy a lot of those non metal bands too. I'm curious to know which Danzig?
  5. Type O Negative - Love You to Death
  6. O/Enochian Crescent/true Black Dawn - O.B.C
  7. Yes it does, I'm kinda ocd if one of my skulls is at the wrong angle on the shelf I go crazy seriously tho good to have things in order! Glad they are doing fine and your wife is happier
  8. You'll settle, man, just takes a while sometimes. Hope your family are doing good too
  9. Have you guys been in for nearly two years? Damn..that flew by.. I remember when you moved.
  10. Glad you reviewed and enjoyed! It's just epic!
  11. Hello and welcome Finland has some of my favourite bands ever.
  12. Septic Tank - Rotting Civilisation Oh fuck yes! Cheers Macabre.. just the thing to go with a few Scrumpys
  13. Johnny Cash at San Quentin - vinyl
  14. Antediluvian - Through the Cervix of Hawaah
  15. Ah I see.. shit man. Glad to hear you're sorting it out now.
  16. Winterfylleth - The Divination of Antiquity
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