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Everything posted by Natassja

  1. Started watching The Lighthouse, looked quite interesting but got distracted by some other stuff so I'm gonna give it another go tomorrow night. A24 seem to have some good movies.
  2. Tsatthoggua - Hallelujah Messiah.. recently purchased the vinyl, nice bit of filth.
  3. I love Ultravox. Np. Craft - Terror Propaganda
  4. Forgjord - Laulu Kuolemasta another fave from this year.
  5. For what it's worth, I know I don't contribute much but I do a lot of reading and I appreciate the contributions others make in all threads actually, not just this one. I'm sure I'm not alone here. I enjoy reading what Macabre has to say, he has put absolutely loads into this forum. It doesn't go unnoticed. There are some cool and interesting people here and it is always interesting to me to check out what everyone is into. This includes you Req and Vampyrique. When I've been away I often wonder how everyone is doing, we have a nice community here. This post isn't to kiss arse or for brownie points either, just how I feel. So sure, we can agree to disagree sometimes and then wait for it all to blow over..
  6. Faustian Pact - Outojen Tornien Varjoissa one of my favourites this year, particularly the tracks Loitsupuut and Valottomien..
  7. Forest Silence - Winter Circle Hate Forest - Purity
  8. Faustian Pact - Outojen Tornien Varjoissa
  9. Vegard - Bewitched by Moonlight Rituals
  10. Started listening to Lion's Mouth, it's really deep..I like the album cover too.
  11. Same. Think i'm going to listen to Unknown now actually. np. Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures.
  12. Recently watched Midsommar and The Neon Demon again. Quite enjoyed Midsommar. Neon Demon is bizarre. Other films I've watched recently includes Hereditary, really got into it but I was kinda wanting more of an ending..Toni Collette was great.
  13. The guy who played Ian was very good..yes really sad story. Amazing music. Nice to see you listening.
  14. Oh god yes, I remember now been meaning to ask you @FatherAlabaster did you ever see Control the film about Ian Curtis? Good film but heartbreaking. Loved him.
  15. I'll check them out shortly. Who's the frontman ?
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