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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. Been out into town this morning and picked up Emperor "Prometheus.." for a couple of quid although I still think I may have been ripped off as it sounded awful on the first play but I was cleaning the house at the time so will give it some proper time later.
  2. 1. Gost "Night Crawler" 2. Deiphago "Demonic Munitions" 3. Ufomammut "Distroyer" 4. Opeth "Closure" 5. Motorhead "(I Won't) Pay Your Price" 6. Judas Priest "Epitaph" 7. Asphyx "Der Landser" 8. Crystal Castles "Violent Dreams" 9. Mercyful Fate "Fifteen Men (and a bottle of rum)" 10. Black Sabbath "Live Forever"
  3. Poor attention span tonight so hitting the shuffle and seeing what comes out. NP Gost "Night Crawler"
  4. A quick recap on the Disturbed albums I have, "Asylum" - decidedly average and one dimensional, "Ten Thousand Fists" - memorable and catchy but a tad too long and "Believe" - which has "Darkness" which is my favourite track of theirs. Haven't bothered with them for a while as they lack longevity enough to warrant frequent listens nowadays but still a perfectly respectable rock band.
  5. Sargeist "Feeding The Crawling Shadows" - good, original BM with true raw production.
  6. New Impetuous Ritual track - new album due May this year. This is pleasing news.
  7. I am probably one of the nearest to you on here and I must about 300 miles away.
  8. The Prodigy "Music For The Jilted Generation"
  9. I think ear defenders and a blindfold might be needed actually.
  10. I've given it 4 plays since yesterday and reviewed it on my blog when it came out also it's just how DM is supposed to be for me, all dark and atmospheric yet heavy at the same time. I am not a big fan of intros unless they are done well and the one on here is perfect, sets the tone for the whole album right from the off. So much god stuff coming out again this year - good times.
  11. Not a fan of metalcore to any massive degree but that does sound interesting. I like the thinking outside of the box and the genuine effort that they seem to have put into designing something different. Might have a Google of them and see what they sound like - although obviously I would have to be there like you were to truly understand the impact.
  12. Each to their own but seriously Arch Enemy are terrible.
  13. Only just read about Mere's bad news. So sorry to hear this. My condolences.
  14. Corpsessed are my latest find (terrible name I know). Not just Incantation wannabes - whole album drips with riffs and atmosphere. https://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/abysmal-thresholds
  15. There is no way in the name of all that is holy that I am clicking on that vid!
  16. Tough call this one. But for overall importance of the development of music I'd call the 70's with the back end (76 onwards) especially for the increasing heaviness in rock that was to become metal. Still finding great albums from the 70's that are simply superb. If I had to a year of personal meaning then probably 1990 so many great albums that year.
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