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Posts posted by deathstorm

  1. 6 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    This was posted on MDB's Facebook earlier today, which helps make sense of the show cancellations and semi-cryptic messages we've seen over the past year:


    A message from Aaron.

    “Many of you have been wondering what has happened to the band since we cancelled all our shows back in late 2017. Well, here is the answer.

    In September 2017 my beautiful little daughter, just five years old, was diagnosed with cancer. This event devastated the whole family as well as close friends and of course all of My Dying Bride and related colleagues. A black hole of worry and panic opened up before me and I was fearful of what was to come. The horror that surrounds this terrible disease is real and brutal and relentless.

    The highly destructive but very necessary poison that is chemotherapy was started and after a time, surgery removed the main tumour but it had spread. Early 2018 a second major operation was needed to finally get rid of the visible mass but cells were still in her body so radiotherapy took place to destroy these. The side-effects of both chemo and radio therapies left her a broken and sorry little thing and my heart was aching like never before. As the father of a deeply sick child, I was on the brink of total implosion.

    After the worst year of our lives, and stress beyond belief, we were gifted the news that so many other people never get; she is clear. She has beaten one of the cruellest of Gods bitter and loveless creations. Despite this positive outcome, there will be years of tests and potential complications which may result in many returns to hospital. I will fear for her every day for the rest of my life and hope that when I finally go to my grave she will be a strong and forthright woman.

    We really need to thank the wonderful people at the NHS Childrens Hospital in Leeds for everything they have done and also the wonderful Candlelighters, childrens cancer charity for their endless and loving support.

    The band took a small hiatus at the devastating news but gradually began to muster forces and start work on the next LP which we can happily tell you all, is well under way and in fact, is almost complete. I have not taken part in any writing as yet but will return to the fold this week, pen in hand and a new focus and eagerness to fulfil my role as wordsmith and vocalist for this remarkable band. We have returned!


    Hope Aaron’s daughter is ok 

  2. 7 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

    Giving up on listening to music whilst working as I just don’t have the attention capacity to focus on data analysis and reports as well as trying to make honest opinions on new releases for example.

    These days I have to be either doing something mundane like chores or on a long drive to really activate the part of my brain that absorbs music.  Need a darkened room opportunity soon to sit with nothing but music as stimulus to really scratch that particular itch.

    Really hammering the hours at work at present 14 and 15 hour days and not seeing a lot of benefit for it (nor feeling much in the way of recognition either).  Work/ life balance is really off at present and needs addressing.

    Hey macabre you will find a way to balance things.  

    Tonight im going to a race track 

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