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Posts posted by deathstorm

  1. 43 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

    A bit sicko in more than one way, but never the less...

    I stumbled over an article here the other day about zombie bacteria and, no...it is not what you are thinking, nothing to do with corpses going around muttering "Brains...brains...". It has to with ancient bacteria lying dormant in the permafrost which is now warming up and melting. Now I admire bacteria and viruses...they are brillant at finding new hosts, constantly changing and adapting, and surviving and clearly in many cases thriving in all sorts of environments and surroundings. One is almost tempted to think that they might be intelligent, no matter how alien that intelligence might be. And well, bacteria can go into hibernation and sleep even in very cold environments and for a very long time. 

    Now there is nothing dangerous about digging up the corpse of a Black Death victim in the most Europe, it will not kill you because the soil is to warm to ever be permanently frozen, which means that the Yersina Pestis bacteria is in the same state as it's deceased høst...stone dead! However in the permafrost in the far north such as in Siberia and places like that the Yersina Pestis bacteria might be just lying there frozen in some corpse and just waiting to wake up. And well with the permafrost melting it might just be a matter of time before that happens! In fact some scientists believe that is what happened back in 1340 when Yersina Pestis turned up the first time, in recorded history that is, in northern Asia. It is said that temperatures rose due to perhaps a tilt in the planet's axes and the northern hemisphere got warmer. So yes, The Black Death will return one day, problem is that it might have mutated in it's dormant, just let us hope not into a penicilline resistant kind. As for mutation: once the syphilis bacteria only left you with a bit of scaring. However when it came to Europe from The Bahamas then the climate was colder, people wore more clothes, were indoors more often,  the syphilis bacteria mutated...and well, the rest is history. 

    But then again, while staying in the climate change departmant, I would not mind if the Black Death killed off most of our politicians and bankers. Four major financiel and political scandals carried out by greedy people belonging to the fiscal elite and hypocritical politicians "kindly stop eating meat, populus, so that I can fly abroad on my holidays 10 times within three years" within less than two weeks is extreme even for Denmark and the Swedish parliament does not know if it is comming or going even almost one months after election night. If only boils and sniffles could finish of that lot then, The Black Death...you are most welcomed.

    In fact The Black Death was the leading factor in ending the feudal system and the birth of modern day Europe. It might also have switched on a "junk" DNA strand called Delta 13 which made quiet a few Europeans if not immune, then able to survive The Black Death such as one copy of the gene ment you would get ill but recover, two copies meant you were immune. And the gene is believe to be a part of the 30% Neandertal DNA found in people today. But no, I am not getting into that, my hand hurts from typing, and I am begining to ramble.

    Just a thought that came into my mind on an autumn's night in Sweden. 

    P. S the above is a flipping good example of why you should never ever ask and introvert what is on their mind :D

    Lol that’s good

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