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Posts posted by deathstorm

  1. 11 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Sometimes I agree, sometimes I like the aesthetic, sometimes the programming is actually well done. But I'll almost always prefer the sound of a real kit, especially live.

    And on that note, I just heard that Vinnie Paul has passed away. There are a few Pantera records that are an indelible part of my childhood, and Vinnie's energy was a huge part of the reason why. RIP.

    Me too. Rip Vinnie  pantera is immortize 

    tonight is the monster truck show can’t wait

  2. 17 hours ago, Black Milk said:

    Ive crept out from the depths back to the good ol MF. Surprised to see as many people from 2 years ago as I do. Hope everyones doing well, I'll be re-acclimating myself to the forum for a bit.

    I've been living in tampa for around 2.5 years now and landed a gig in a semi-relevant doom band, Servants of the Mist, which is essentially what I set out to do moving here. Doing my first show with them July 14, pretty stoked to be playing with people again. 

    Welcome back buddy 

    another great day 

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