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Posts posted by deathstorm

  1. 17 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    If you're into ritual goat-demon sex, I agree, it's pretty great.

    I honestly think it was an algorithm. They flagged one of my paintings before I'd even published it, a few months ago. That makes it even more annoying to me.

    Bunch of screwballs that cover was cool  today was a great day 

  2. 4 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Not even a nip slip, the video is just a picture of the album cover.


    Complete smut, as you can see, not something artistic like this Weregoat album cover, which is totally fine with the FB censors:


    Damn that still suxs who reported you 

  3. 3 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Haha, FB kicked me off for 24 hours for posting a video link to Akercocke's "Goat Of Mendes". Remember kids, male nipples ok, female nipples bad!

    You gotta be kidding over a nipple slip  lmao buddy that’s good maybe you should akercockes Barney video lol I’m kidding 

    today was a great day 

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