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Posts posted by deathstorm

  1. 7 hours ago, Tortuga said:

    Brutal and severe thunder storms???? Can't you send some of those over to Sweden, Grandmaster? There are about 80 raging forest fires burning at the moment and I can litterally smell the smoke, and I am indoors with the windows shut. It is getting a bit worriedsome!!!!

    I will try 

    today was a great day I had a lot of fun today 

  2. Trees of eternity hour of the nightingale  is will go down as a one of best doom metal album it’s their one and only  Aleah Stanbridge wrote about her diagnosis of cancer all the songs revolve around  she ultimately passed away at the age of 39 before her album was release 

    Obscura diluvium one of great tech Death releases it’s being hailed as one of the best releases and album of the month 

  3. Trees of eternity are a doom metal band that only release one album features members of katatonia swallow the sun. And fronted by  Aleah Stanbridge  who passed away from cancer. Their only album is hour of the nightingale one of best doom metal releases of 2016  

    Here is one of their songs 

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