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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick Haven't pulled this classic out in a while. One of the first USDM releases I got into, and still Morbid Angel is one of the only Florida groups I like.
  2. Hopefully my next lady will be into metal. There's something to hope for at least.
  3. You might enjoy Evangelion if you liked the Satanist. It's in the same vein albeit a bit less melodic and more full assault.
  4. Also what are everyone's favorite Behemoth albums? Getting super into them.
  5. FA, finally got around to downloading that record you recommended me. I enjoyed it very much when I put it on earlier this afternoon and I'm looking forward to repeated listenings.
  6. Behemoth - Demigod On a Behemoth kick lately, going back and exploring their catalog. I had only listened to a couple of their records very much. But I was listening to the Satanist earlier in the car and decided to give the rest of their stuff a try. I'm very glad I did. A little bit ago I put on Evangelion and now this one. Enjoying them both very much.
  7. Just noticed this. Dude you do realize I was joking in reference to the argument about Viking metal in the other thread? I know Bathory isn't doom metal.
  8. My enjoyment of music actually goes way up if I'm a little drunk, even complex music. Weed is weird for me, sometimes I enjoy it but I've actually had panic attacks on two occasions while high. And strangely enough I'm not usually that terribly into music while smoking, a lot of music actually makes me feel very uneasy. Still having said that I would really like to listen to Crack the Skye while high.
  9. Welcome! Agalloch and High on Fire are fine bands. Amon Amarth I'm not insane about but many will disagree with me.
  10. Oh shit dude. Hope it's nothing too terribly serious.
  11. I'm sorry bro, and everyone else. Girlfriend stuff and a whole lot of other stuff. But I am perfectly okay and I apologize for the dramatic post.
  12. Well, my metallic online friends. Os Abysmi right here is a fucking idiot. And now it's time to get fucking wasted in celebration of that fact. Keep it metal, friends.
  13. I'm really sorry to hear that man. I hope everything improves soon.
  14. I really hate the credentialism that's prevalent in America. You need a degree to do fucking anything, and it's stupid.
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