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  1. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in The Official Black Metal Recommendations Thread   
    Oh yeah, he's gonna love Ride for Revenge. Maybe some Bloodhammer, Barathrum or Black Mass Pervertor. Don't leave out Diaboli, Anal Blasphemy, Black Dawn, Forgjord, Lathspell, Sielunhollinen, Aegrus, Marras, Keres, Vargrav, Hautakammio, Korgunthurus...there's so many.
    But for me the grand wizards of Finblack have been Azaghal for a long time now. Can't believe my boy Navy left them out. 
    Well Archgoat are the true Kings of Finland but for 2nd wave stuff it's Azaghal.
  2. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to zackflag in What Are You Listening To?   
    In the midst of a Darkthrone binge in anticipation of their upcoming new album...
    Ravishing Grimness (this one is horrifically overlooked)
    The Underground Resistance 
    Dark Thrones and Black Flags
    The Cult is Alive
  3. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Francisco in Cheers to All!!   
    New here.. My name is Francisco and I play in the bands Cemetarian and Thy Feeble Saviour and also recently started a vidcast show called Jamming Out All Bad Ass, so far i have had members of Paralysis, Goreaphobia, Immolation, Incantation, Impetigo, Intense Degree, Imprecation and others. 
    Jamming Out All Bad Ass
  4. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Balor in The Official Black Metal Recommendations Thread   
    Don't forget Goatmoon or Ride for Revenge!
  5. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Balor in The Official Black Metal Recommendations Thread   
    You need to check out some good Finblack. Totally change your opinion on black metal. A few classics to get you started:
    Sargeist - Let the Devil In
    Baptism - Morbid Wings of Sathanas (their whole discography is fucking excellent)
    Saturnian Mist - Chaos Magick
    Ordinance - Reliquishment
    Impaled Nazarene - Latex Cult
    Satanic Warmaster - Strength and Honor
    Horna - Black Metal Warfare
    Warloghe - Pestilence and Warfare
    Behexen - By the Blessing of Satan
    Oath - Mustan Liekin Veljeskunta
    Don't get me started on Archgoat, but definitely check them out.
    And the granddaddy of all Finblack - Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon (mandatory listening)
    Or if you like the more melodic stuff, Sweden is your joint:
    Dawn - Slaughtersun (if you don't like this album nothing can help you)
    Dissection of course
    Armagedda - Only True Believers
    Avsky - Scorn
    Svartsyn - ...His Majesty
    Or just go listen to Bathory. The Return is a good place to start. Chase that with Blood Fire Death. Quothorn basically invented black metal as we know it (yeah yeah Venom, I know...)
    Plenty of other excellent black metal scenes around the world. Germany and Poland are standouts. Don't overlook the French, South America, Greece, or the US either. There is so much variety in black metal it's astonishing. Really something for everyone. I certainly wouldn't recommend basing opinions on Belphegor.
  6. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Darkthrone - Arctic Thunder
    Darkthrone - Old Star
    Pre-ordered the new Wednesday. Getting excited to hear what they come up with. I have to say that I really like the trajectory they have been on over the last few, so I have high hopes.
  7. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to ratpfink in Looking for a new home   
    I was a metalfi lurker, so I followed these fine people here too. Just got back into metal a few years ago... listened to a lot of thrash and death in jr high but got way more into punk and garage rock for the next 25ish years. So it's drinking from the firehose really. These guys know their black metal so I really appreciate that along with their bandcamp embeds.
  8. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What's on your mind?   
    For sure hungus among us. I for one would pay money for one of those prints. I'm sure others would too.
  9. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in What's on your mind?   
    Wow. You are exceptionally talented in technique and composition. Thematically this is obviously challenging stuff, not going to appeal to some. But holy sh*t...you are really good. Never doubt that. Get out there and self-promote man, the world needs all kinds of visionaries and you may be surprised by the demand. That's the only way to connect to people - you never know what your visions will mean to someone out there. You should receive things of value from the world in exchange, whether it be money or reputation...that's how you stay in balance. Don't just put everything out there and expect nothing in return. Will look for your tracks too. Man, all you truly talented people on these forums really humble us all! Thank you for doing what you do!
  10. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What's on your mind?   
    Your art looks pretty fucking great to me.
  11. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown
  12. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    Thanks man. It wasn't a complete shock but sucks nonetheless, and yeah, the timing definitely could have been better. Pretty sure @MacabreEternal is right that it self-destructed in a fit of pique. I put it in the corner, mentioned that its replacement was thinner and younger, and pointed out that it had brought this all on itself. 
  13. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    My monitor hates it when I am away.  It's steady diet of porn, spotify, forums and endless spreadsheets of music cataloguing gets shared with tablets and phones instead and it gets jealous really easily.  Mine got so mad it keyed my paintwork on my car.
  14. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in The Official Black Metal Recommendations Thread   
    Alrighty then, I'll get to sacrificing the goats.
  15. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to zackflag in Upcoming Albums/New Releases, 2021 Edition   
    New Darkthrone album releasing June 25.
    Their last three albums have all been great! Needless to say I'm looking forward to this.
  16. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Akercocke - Renaissance in Extremis - it's been a while. I do like this album quite a bit, but the vocals do still bug me a bit.
    Akercocke - Words That Go Unspoken - easily their best album and a desert island disc for me.
  17. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Sheol in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    Got these babies delivered yesterday.

  18. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in The Official Black Metal Recommendations Thread   
    It's like reading the instructions...fuck that shit.
  19. Haha
    navybsn given a Damn from Hungarino in What is metal for you?   
    We've got a 10:30 Teams call today. I'll do what I can.
  20. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Hungarino in What is metal for you?   
    You forgot Satan. He's going to be upset.
  21. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Write him out of the will. No one who dislikes Rush is worthy of inheritance.
    One the drive home from getting shitfaced on a Sunday (also known as playing golf):
    Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence
  22. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Write him out of the will. No one who dislikes Rush is worthy of inheritance.
    One the drive home from getting shitfaced on a Sunday (also known as playing golf):
    Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence
  23. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from MacabreEternal in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    Yeah, FNG here. Not metal pickups, but I did grab a couple of good older prog albums today.
    U.K. - U.K.
    Atomic Rooster - Death Walks Behind You
    Also grabbed Uriah Heap - Sweet Freedom the other day.
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