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  1. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Hungarino in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    I took it as "favorite albums of all time". That's what these topics always end up being.
    I'll add G'N'R - Appetite for Destruction. Definitely the best debut for a hard rock band that I was there for. Never topped it with the albums that followed however. Use Your Illusion could have been fairly equal if they would have combined the 2 and had a decent editor.
    Best song: Rocket Queen
  2. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Slash feat. Myles Kennedy and Conspirators - Apocalyptic Love (album)
  3. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    Guess not super original but quite enjoyable. Energetic riffy death/thrash.
    Steel Bearing Hand - Slay in Hell
  4. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    I clicked through this thread and realised that I haven't posted in here, largely because the definition of flawless for me I think means I might have never heard a flawless release.  I need to think on this but I can't see me being able to put that much in here, surely the more I put in the more I am diminishing the flawlessness of the releases I do put in here?  Although, I am constantly discovering new music so I suppose the concept of finding something new to sit alongside an existing example of a genre/sub-genre isn't exactly alien.
    Threads that make me think are not my favourites.  I am off to the Forum Games section to post spurious band names, loosely related words, album titles in alphabetical order (although if I keep ending up on X, Y or Z that can fuck off) and the endless playlist that is my existence whilst I ponder this thread some more.
  5. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Books?   
    I just finished Neal Stephenson's Fall (or, Dodge in Hell). I loosely sort of knew it would be a follow-up to Reamde. I didn't realize it would wrap up pretty much everything from Cryptonomicon and the Baroque Cycle books too. I liked Reamde but I didn't feel as much of an attachment to the characters as I did with the other books, and I was surprised to see them become the vessel for the big conclusion. It was great; a sprawling epic with a lot of big ideas, different people having all kinds of different experiences in weird surroundings, converging and overlapping plot lines written in different narrative styles, funny, dark, sad, engaging. Classic Neal Stephenson. I was happy to read it, happy to see something on this scale come together again after his last few self-contained books. But I also didn't realize it would be the end when I started it. I've re-read most of his books a few times over the years, and now I feel like I just had to say goodbye to some old friends. Enoch Root gave a straight answer to a simple question. Still processing.
  6. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to ___ in What Are You Listening To?   
    Trench Rot - Tyrant
    Sodom  - Tapping the Vein
  7. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Antiverse - Under The Regolith
  8. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Natassja in Word Association   
    Haha I really dig FGTH The Power of Love song is the bomb.
    Permanent Vacation was one of my first rock albums that my Dad bought me
  9. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Natassja in Word Association   
    Don't do it.... Wait wrong game
  10. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Is This The WHITESNAKE Forum....?   
    Great... a Marko, a Marky, and an indeterminate quantity of Johans who may or may not be called Johan. I'm going to have to start handing out numbers. Welcome to the forum.
  11. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in Is This The WHITESNAKE Forum....?   
    I thought this was your favorite song
  12. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in Is This The WHITESNAKE Forum....?   
    Those are some of my favorite songs of all time 😟
  13. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in Is This The WHITESNAKE Forum....?   
    Marko!! Glad you stopped by brother. 
    But dude they don't know me as Whitenoise over here, to these folk I'm just the Goatmaster.
    I don't lie, I embellish. There's a difference.
    You know thinking back on my pooftah days of the late 70's and early 80's now it really seems surreal, like that all shit happened in another lifetime. It was 40 years ago, I should get a do-over.  But I do think I have an old video lying around here someplace of me back in my high school days circa 1978 though. Had to fight off Carmine's advances after the shoot because my faux satin pants got him all worked up.
    1979, my senior year, I penned this one for Kiss because they were on the decline at that point and desperately needed a hit. I still get royalty checks in the mail.
    This was 1980, a year after I graduated, I call this my headband phase.
    Then this is one I did a few years later. They had to bring in Richard Simmons to give me prancing lessons. If you ask me I think I fucking nailed it.
    And then I finally hit the bigtime with this megahit in '86
    And who could forget this Whole Lotta Love rip-off in '87
    This was one of the last ones I did in '91 when my daughter was just a baby. Hung up the spandex and hairspray for good after that and got a real job.
  14. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in Word Association   
    Dead (c'mon you saw that one coming from me right?)
  15. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Natassja in What Are You Listening To?   
    Joy Division Unknown Pleasures 
  16. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    It occurs to me a lot Finnish metal uses Finnish mythology as subject matter and so did Sibelius-there's my official metal tie-in. 
  17. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Isn't Finland metal enough that it needs no further justification? 
    On that note, NP: Demilich - Nespithe
  18. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Thanks for the rec. I found a good price on Amazon....listening right now...beautiful piano music

  19. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    And now for something else...FINLAND-land of a thousand lakes and a lot of forking great extreme metal and, uh, one major classical composer of note-Sibelius (1865-1957)-as I make my way though the major composers-i come to a name I've long heard but have never actually listened to.....getting dangerously close to my lifetime...but this is no post modernism. 
    Sibelius/Complete Symphonies and Tone Poems/Boston Symphony Orchestra/Sir Colin Davis-seems to be a well respected cycle....a bit like Brahms looking backwards to the classical era....pretty good after 4 discs.
  20. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    ...I would also add "Flip Your Wig" to that HUSKER list as well....
    ...SST Records from 1980- 1987 was virtually unmatched in quality releases....
    ....and obviously BLACK FLAG and HUSKER DU....
    ...I have every single release from SST through 1996...and most after that....great label....
  21. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    I get none of that vibe from the unfuckwithable Teitanblood brother - they have always been straight war-black-death-goat sadists in my book. But they do some funky shit here and there.
    I am DIGGING this Darkspace III that I got from your BC, btw! 
  22. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    Here are 5 I like....maybe 6......
    HUSKER DU - New Day Rising
    MILES DAVIS - Tribute To Jack Johnson
    STORMCROW - Enslaved In Darkness
    NEUROSIS - Times Of Grace
    KRAFTWERK - Autobahn
    G.I.S.M - Detestation
    ......and a bunch more.....
  23. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    Ad Nauseam...and it is terrible haha. But to each his own. I respect these guys for endeavoring to make such 'challenging', i.e., terrible sounding music. It is not uninteresting to the ears, but in a a way that just feels wrong. It is unsettling and the opposite of banging.
    Like our Noisey friend, I am of a simpler ilk. If I cannot band my head or worship satan (preferably both) to it then more times than not its not going to be my cuppa'.
    Now onto Ad Omega and it slays pretty hard! Even a few discordant phrases here and there, but not enough to turn me off. Evil, dark, punishing, good stuff. I love me some Italian black metal. If they would kick it into a higher gear just a little more I would be in goat heaven...which is hell? You get the idea.
  24. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Well don't put any stock in what I say, I was born in the 60's, grew up in the 70's and fell in love with metal in the 80's. That was a long time ago now and although harsh vocals were a small speed bump I had to get past (and ultimately embrace) in the early 2000's that was nothing compared to the impassable road block dissonant and atonal music presents to me. 
    I have struggled mightily with the dissonant and atonal ends of the extreme metal spectrum over the last 10 years or so. I have made some small headway with dissonance over the years and there are a few things I have learned to enjoy like the Incantation debut for instance or Abyssal. But for the most part I steer clear of it. While I would put Inquisitors of Satan in my top 25 black metal albums of all time, I can't listen to anything DSO recorded past 2002, no Gorguts for me or Ulcerate or Artificial Brian or Portal...even bands like Immolation and Morbid Angel that seem to be almost universally loved take things a little too far for me. I'm a meat & potatoes caveman guy and I'm OK with that.
    Atonality though is a different story, I honestly don't get it at all on any level. I am not understanding the point of it, how this music is written or structured or how to approach listening to it. Obviously these types of bands with their odd time sigs and lack of harmony are not going for foot tapping head bobbing groovy goodness. And that's fine, to each his own, but it leaves me out of the loop as it were because I feel like I'm maybe just not smart enough to decipher and comprehend what it is they're trying to do. My brain keeps searching for harmony and order and rythym but there is none and that disturbs me. I can't make sense of it, it just feels like random notes flying out all over the place with no rhyme or reason.
    I like riffy songs in 4/4 time that I can bop along to. Trained musicians who are music theory mavens like you apparently get what's going on with bands like Ad Nauseam or Pyrrhon and can see the skill and artistry and brilliance and creativity and how it all fits together and how it is in fact "music" - but it's all lost on my dumb ass. The artistry and proficiency and creativity simply flies way over my head. It all just sounds like noise to me.
    But I mean I am glad to hear you've found a standout album this year that pleases you. I know that feeling well and it's glorious. I would not ever seek to impose my ignorant closed-minded neanderthal limitations on anyone else. I'm a postmodernist by nature I suppose and I tend to reject conventional ideas of universal objective truths. Or in other words there is no scientificly objective way to measure what is good or not good, at least most certainly not as it relates to art and music. We all like what we like and that's what we think is "good" or "true" in each of our own little worlds, and at the end of the road that's all that really matters. If we can connect with another soul(s) in this crazy world who sees things the way we do and we can share and appreciate art and music together well so much the better.
    Reading that last paragraph back before I click Submit I guess it might sound a little out there. I'm not even stoned or tripping or inebriated or anything, I swear.
    Now Playing:
    Vomit Ritual - Callous
    Badass bangin' black/death debut from Riverside Cali. Fuck yeah!
    Hahaha yes!! Johnny 5 is the nickname I have assigned to you in my head. Please understand that my buddy Johan from Sweden is already Johan to me and no matter what he chages his username to be it Sheol or Shamrock or Shitforbrains after 5 years he will always be Johan to me. So since I can't call you both Johan here on the board I have taken the liberty of Americanising your name from Johan to Johnny. And the 5 is just me making the V into Roman numeral V that represents 5. Because you see there was a silly movie from the 1986 called Short Circuit that featured a robot named Johnny 5. Don't be confused or offended, I give everyone nicknames it's what I do. It means you've been accepted into the gang.

  25. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    I don't think Ophiouchi are all that divisive Marky Mark. I gave their last album a whirl when you and Navy were discussing them a couple of weeks ago and I didn't hate it or even dislike it at all. Didn't give me a huge throbbing Ninja boner either and make me wanna sing their praises from the rooftops but we all have our different ideas about taste.
    FWIW I don't think there are 50 of us here who are invested and involved though, maybe half of that number. Still hopeful that Marko and Surge and Jon stop by though, as they all said they would at some point. I even sent PM's to Cornhole and Sea Wolf but I have no idea if they saw them before the board went dark last week.
    @Navy and Salmonella, gave that Këkht Aräkh Swordsman album (Ukraine) a shot last night, and I was totally into it right from the start, good album and then it turned out it was NYP to boot. Always a nice surprise.
    @Johnny5 that dude from Saille looks like the blonde dude from Hall & Oates after a 5 day bender.
    @Sheol/Johan the Whoredom RIfe track sounds promising but not spectacular. Think I'll reserve judgement until I've heard the rest. They've not equalled Dommedagskvad yet imho so I'm being cautious. I always wanna think they're Finnish for some reason and then get surprised to learn they're Norwegian. Guess that makes more sense as they don't sound particularly Finnish. Also while you know I'm quite fond of you personally, I fucking hate your new name. You should've gone with Vittra or Diabolical. Pariah even. Sheol just doesn't roll off the tongue.
    I had been cruising along on autopilot for the first few months of this year, not really paying too much attention to new music, just trying to spend some quality time with my 2020 favorites before I'd have to get back to work on the hamster wheel. As always January was consumed with critical listening for my listmaking endeavors (and shoveling snow) but then as usual the late winter Feb/March and into April was my downtime from the rat race. But holy shit things have exploded a bit for me here on the new black metal front, I'm being hit with quality shit from all sides it seems almost daily now these last few weeks. Not that I'm complaining, but it's just funny how these things seem to come in bunches. For the longest it seemed like Spectral Wound's album was standing alone at the top, head and shoulders above everything else I'd heard this year. But now with some recent discoveries and additions it finally has some real legit competition in the black metal sweepstakes. Still my frontrunner but we're nowhere near the stretch.
    This is my latest crush, a sophomore full length from some young Belarussian black metal band I know nothing about. They seem to have chosen a name that's a mashup of Cryptopsy and Hospital. Belarus is one of those former Soviet nations that lacks some unique identity for many westerners. People I've known from Minsk I've usually thought of as "that Russian guy" because I'm ignorant. Sandwiched in as it is between Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania, I can kinda hear a little of each of those in their sound. Getting some Havukruunu vibes in spots, definitely some Drudkh in here as well among many other influences. This thing brings some atmosphere, some doom, some raw bm, some epic riffs, some synth interludes, some 80's cheese... It clocks in at 57 minutes on the button but doesn't feel like it, I never feel like it drags, which is how I know when something's good. Where's Jon to tell me he will not buy or even listen to anything over 49:59? This won't be weird or unusual enough for some of you but that's OK, I'm digging the fuck out of it. It's not just another WN Norsecore special or some lo-fi exercize in Satanistic minimalism either, it's good so give it a shot.  
    Cryptospital - Scythe of the Black Death
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