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  1. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Mr. Bungle - Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny
    Manila Road - Crystal Logic
    Devastation - Idolatry
    I've seen a lot of these Darkthrone covers lately, but they all leave out the vocals. I think that would make them better.
  2. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to ___ in What Are You Listening To?   
    Suicidal Tendencies - S/T
  3. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from ratpfink in What Are You Listening To?   
    Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus
  4. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    Wow. I graduated from art school 17 years ago and I'm still paying. My wife will probably be paying for hers for even longer. "But paying for it makes you appreciate it more", they said. "A bachelor's degree opens doors", they said.
  5. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    ....I guess I was lucky....my entire Art School education was paid in full with an N.E.A. grant....grad school too....I also had about 35Gs saved up by age 18 from working....fortunately my N.E.A. grant was grandfathered in after that fucking DEVIL Reagan gutted the National Endowment for the Arts in the mid 80's....if I ever finish my PhD work (...which I doubt I will...), I'm changing my last name to Metal...just for WhiteNoise.....
  6. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    At least until the thunderstorm knocks the power out.
    D a v i d - B o w i e - L O W
    D a v i d - B o w i e - H e r o e s
  7. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    Today its been Oldskull x2, Ifrinn, Shroud of Satan, Evilnight and this new Apostasy which is going to be at the top of a bunch of lists, including mine. Freakin slays. Turning into a nice year for thrash so far!
  8. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Bowie's version of the song is very good but not as good as the original.  I too have been chasing the album forever but without any luck.  I would even break my rules and go physical if I found it.
  9. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Off the top of my head in the mid  '70s?  Soft Machine, Yes, Brian Eno, Split Enz first album (the only good one)...and Anthony Braxton.
    Now you're talking.  I like Bowie -  but he is mainly for listening with the wife - but Scott Walker was just brilliant.  What voice!
  10. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MarkhantonioYeatts in What Are You Listening To?   
    My first real concert was DAVID BOWIE in 1974....the Diamond Dogs tour...my older brother took me....at the Norfolk Scope....I saw practically every tour after that...76, 83 87,etc,etc....including both TIN MACHINE tours...BOWIE is probably my favourite artist...with IGGY, Nick Cave, Neil Young and John Coltrane not far behind....
    ...every era of BOWIE is sublime...but I would put the Berlin Period through Scary Monsters as my favourite years....
    ...in Honour of BOWIE....one of his favourite artists...
    SCOTT WALKER - Bish Bosh
  11. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Sheol in What Are You Listening To?   
    Haha what? That's crazy. The Bank of David.
    I think I just have this suspicion that I'd love the man if I just could find the right songs. I listened to Lazarus and Blackstar and they were wonderful tbh. Chilling to know that he was writing his epitaph, that's enough to paralyze most people.
  12. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
  13. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    I hear you man. I'm vintage 1975, so the music of the 80's is my childhood. I didn't appreciate classic rock for many years because that was my dad's stuff (save for Rush and a few others). Only in the past 10 years or so have I started going back and really getting into the discographies of bands like Thin Lizzy, Uriah Heep, UFO, and many of the forerunners of the metal I grew up on. It's an interesting study to follow the progression backwards. Of course I had heard most of those bands "radio hits" a million times, but it's the deep album cuts I usually find that turn out to be my favorites.
  14. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Post Diamond Dogs (somewhere around there anyway), Bowie got in a spat with his record company over artistic freedom and intentionally made inaccessible music to stick it to them. That's the era of the Berlin Tapes and his collabs with Brian Eno. Brilliant stuff, but again not very accessible to the average fan. After that contract had expired, he again decided to show them he could be a giant pop star. That's when the early 80's stuff started (Scary Monsters was '79 I think, then Under Pressure w/Queen, then Let's Dance around '83-84). Bowie could basically do whatever the fuck he put his mind to. He owned an ISP in the 90's (bowienet) and even was one of the first to open an online bank.  Watch some of his interviews online and you can tell that he was on another level of reality from your average human. 100 million albums sold, 11 of them platinum, movies, painting... 
    Anyway, enough of that.
    David Bowie - Heathen
    David Bowie - Welcome to the Blackout '76
    David Bowie - Earthling
    Queen - Live at the Rainbow '74
    Queen - Live at Wembley Stadium
  15. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yeah man I'm funny that way, I want it hard & heavy nearly all of the time. Wasn't easy being a metalhead growing up in an era when the hard heavy music I craved didn't really exist yet and even as a kid I was always conscious of that. I was always frustrated by the fact that aside from Sabbath there weren't any other bands who served it hard all or even most of the time. Most of those 70's bands I grew up with would have one or two songs or maybe just brief sections of songs that were hard and the rest was softer fluff.
    That's why I latched onto the Ramones in '76 as my instant favorite band because they kept it hard and fast 95% of the time. Not sure why grabbing a guitar, running it through a distortion pedal and strumming the fuck out of it was such a novel concept in the mid 70's when I was in school.
    Wish I had been born just a little later so that I could have had more hard musical options at a younger age. Even you just 4 years younger than me had some heavy metal to listen to in high school. I missed out on that by being a boomer. Now all these years later most of the people who I connect with on music are 5 or 10 or 15 years younger than me. That's when I probably should have been born, early 70's like Navy and Hungarino. 
  16. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    There must have been some good music in 1976, but the Goatmaster has deliberately avoided listing any.
    And Aladdin Sane is indeed music for the ages.
  17. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Blackstar is a great album, but if you don't already like Bowie albums, I don't know that it will convince you. Definitely worth a spin though. Most accessible of his later stuff. I liked Heathen and Buddha of Suburbia quite a bit to. 
    Full disclosure, huge Bowie fan here. Even have an Aladdin Sane tattoo on my right arm. So ymmv.
  18. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Could very well end on mine as well.
    My commute to my normal office is 20 minutes. EP length. I do have to travel regularly for work, sometimes up to 5 hours a day. I don't really mind. It will get old one day, but for now it gives me time to think, listen to podcasts, and jam out. I've tried working from home, but honestly I don't really care for it. I'm redoing my home office, so that may change in the future.
    Ordinance - In Purge there is no Remission
    Wode - Burn in Many Mirrors - can't believe this is the same band that made Servants of the Countercosmos
  19. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    Escotrilihum - Dy'th Requiem for the Serpent Telepath
  20. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    That's right fellas, whitewater paddling is an addiction. The power of surging water, careening towards rocks, boulders and falls; the fear of danger,  adrenaline, surfing, drops, V-shaped holes, it scares the shit out of you, you survive and you go back for more punishment. It's a whitewater thang, (if you haven't experienced it), you wouldn't understand. 
    The D.C.-Baltimore greater metro area is one of the great paddling communities in the U.S. The U.S. Olympic team trains here. Now, our WW team is not great, cause we put all our money in big pro sports-but regardless, we've got the Potomac river which is an amazing river in my backyard. The Potomac feeds into the Chesapeake Bay which offers limitless paddling (sea kayaking) and within 2-5 hours driver you've got a slew of great rivers in Western Maryland, West Virginia (yes, the banjos are playing) and Pennsylvania-The mighty youghiogheny, The Cheat, The Savage, The New, the Gaulley-I could go on. You may have gone WW rafting, but paddling your own craft, navigating consequences, taking your life in your own hands-it's an amazing feeling.
    So yes, about 2.5 hours each way-paddled from about 11-5 and back home. 
    Grab a handful of metal discs and hit the road!
    Motorhead/ Ace of Spades
    Alterage/Succumb-This one surprised me-in a good way
  21. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in What are you drinking?   
    And to add to that point I would agree that alcohol is waaay worse than people make it out to be, mainly because it turns people into utter shit heads. Kind of to my point about holding your booze. Most people, in the States anyway, do a poor job in this department. Many that do maintain some composure are actually functional alcoholics that drink every single day, and that obviously comes with indirect long term societal problems as well.
    Haha but all that being said I really like a single malt, and my current favorites are the 14 year olds from both Glenfiddich and Glenlivet. They are delicious. 
  22. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Kristiko in What Are You Listening To?   
    Helloween - Keeper of the Seventh Keys, Pt. 1 (album)
  23. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Metal Church - A Blessing In Disguise
  24. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    See I can't even post gifs and shit. I don't even know what gif means??

  25. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in The All-Time Greats Thread - Flawless or not.   
    Hahaha awesome!! I love how accommodating you lot are, willing to change thread titles just to suit our silly little complaints. This instance makes perfect sense to me though as it has been pointed out that almost nothing can be considered to be completely and truly 100% without flaws.  And I know that makes people exclude things that they love but maybe they see some tiny little flaw there that they think disqualifies it. Which is of course nonsense. Because at the end of the day who's really to say what's a flaw and what's a feature?
    One of my all time favorites by a German band that never gets mentioned:
    Morrigan- Celts
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