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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    Opeth - Morningrise blue vinyl RSD release. Now if I could only find Deliverance/Damnation, I could complete my collection.
  2. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Opeth - Deliverance
  3. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Manilla Road - The Deluge
  4. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Metal Church - The Dark
  5. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to ___ in What Are You Listening To?   
    Bad Religion - How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
  6. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to MacabreEternal in What Are You Listening To?   
    Lord Weird Slough Feg - Down Among The Deadmen
  7. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to JonoBlade in Looking for a new home   
    I finally made it. Still trying to work out how to navigate this site. It makes sense broadly but there are a lot of threads. Cannot quite fathom why the What Are You Listening To? thread is buried in Forum Games(?)
    Anyhow. Glad to be here.
  8. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Dead1 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Bolt Thrower - Realms Of Chaos
    Immolation - Dawn of Possession.
  9. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Rush - Signals
    Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
  10. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Gentle Giant - The Power And The Glory
    Rush - Grace Under Pressure
    ...beach road trip music
  11. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from haidukdemon in What Are You Listening To?   
    Apostasy - Death Return
  12. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Hungarino in Killer albums in the last few years.   
    Starspawn is definitely a favorite of mine. Hidden History is great too.
    A few more to add
    Chthe'ilist - Le dernier crépuscule
    Spectral Wound - Infernal Decadence
    Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown
    Sargeist - Unbound
    Witch Vomit - Buried Deep in a Bottomless Grave (the EP preceding it is fucking Ace too)
    Tomb Mold - Primordial Malignity, Manor of Infinite Forms, and Planetary Clairvoyance
    Of Feather and Bone - Bestial Hymns of Perversion
    Black Curse - Endless Wound
    Ordinance - In Purge there is no Remission
    LIFE - Ossification of Coral
    Utzalu - The Grobian Fall
    Circle of Ouroborous - Viimeinen juoksu
    Oranssi Pazuzu - Mestarin kynsi
    Nightbringer - Terra Damnata
    Martyrdod - List
    Probably a lot left out, but that's the first ones that came to mind.
  13. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to JohanV in What Are You Listening To?   
    Dusting off little gem Immolation - Here in after
  14. Sad
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in Headphones, amps and other audio gear   
    I am digging these out of the box. Bad news is the wife put the kabocsh on the Mezes. They were getting delayed until August anyway so I cancelled the order. Might have to be next year.
    Update: counter offer was I bought some Koss KPH30is without telling her. But only $30, so really can't argue.
  15. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Balor in The Official Black Metal Recommendations Thread   
    New Clandestine Blaze - Secrets of Laceration
  16. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in Headphones, amps and other audio gear   
    My Sennheiser SD 6XXs came as a nice surprise delivery, just in time for my doctor ordered lay around time, and holy shit, they live up to the hype, big time. I am fairly noobish with better gear, but these are obviously superior to every other hps I have tried. The clarity, separation, sound stage and depth are nothing short of stunning. Really helps cut through the mayhem of a lot of the fast, chaotic goat music I am finding. Most of all is the clarity, I don't know if there is a better descriptor. These are fucking crystal though. Bright, not going to blow you away with bass, but the mids and highs are razor sharp precision. 
  17. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    I agree with this. The orchestral stuff was pretty good. Standard fare I'd say. The choral pieces I didn't care for.
    Sodom - Obsessed By Cruelty
    Sacrilege - Behind the Realms of Death
  18. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to zackflag in What Are You Listening To?   
    Witch Vomit - Abhorrent Rapture
    This new EP absolutely crushes. I'm confident in declaring this the best Witch Vomit material yet.
  19. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    Yep, Verklärte Nachte is a lovely piece.  Schönbergs orchestral music is not scary at all.  The choral music will not appeal to everyone.  I like opera though - my wife and I will be seeing Gounoud's  Faust at the movies on Sunday...
    This morning  - HORRISONOUS - A Culinary Cacophony, then CREUSCULE - Le Gardien Des Clefs
  20. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    I've got Pierre Boulez conductor who seems well regarded. Verklarte Nacht is the most peformed-it's very nice. It's a stringed orchestra or quartet depending. That seems to be the usual place to start. Five Pieces for Orchestra next and far some avant garde operatic fare, Pierrot Lunaire. I like some of his choral stuff, but I may be in the minority in terms of enjoying choral operatic. 
  21. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to markm in What Are You Listening To?   
    Up early working on report cards. IK this isn't metal, but will try to give it a metal twist. I made through an 11 box set of Schoenberg. I had put this composer off hearing how dissonant, modernist and generally challenging his music was and honestly I really enjoyed his work. He has a ton of choral music which is quite good. I don't really understand conceptually beyond the mere basics his so called twelve tone method but it's not really all that weird. Most of it is melodic to me and he's one of the main guys to try to push music into new boundaries beyond the traditional tonal music.
    Here's my take-if you you've spent any time listening to dissonant music-in my case dissonant metal and avant garde free jazz and the like, Schoenberg is quite worth the time! I guess I have to thank DSO, Ulcerate, SunnO))) (love that Scott Walker collaboration) and my love of a lot of weird-ass metal for opening me up to a variety of non metal sounds. 
  22. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Hungarino in New Purchases/Acquisitions   
    I will give you guys horns even though I don't do Rush. Had hernia repair surgery yesterday, amongst many other big life things, like quitting one of my jobs, some other stuff culminating. You know the drill. But have missed the forum (old and new) and only keeping up on the periphery. Bout to pop another perco and browse some new releases though so it's all good! To my fellow goats send me you best if I am missing new releases. I have a few ill post eventually. Also been a good year for thrash so far, for those who enjoy. Cheers all, good to see you here Dead! 
  23. Haha
    navybsn gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    I like Alfa Mist - I put his albums Antiphon and Structuralism on sometimes when I don't want to bombard my son with Sheer Brutal Filth. Nothing mind-blowing, just relaxing rainy-day music. Rocco and the guitarist are both pretty fantastic players. My drummer turned me on to Yussef a couple years ago. His attitude when he's playing is totally infectious, it's captivating to me. He just looks like he's having the time of his life.
    Warm, slightly salty, flaky but with a certain tenderness?
  24. Horns
    navybsn given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Agreed. I just recently discovered Yussef (from this video no less). He's phenomenal. Can't believe I'd never run across him before. I'm not familiar with Alfa Mist other than his contribution here. Rocco Palladino is a monster on bass. Not much of a smooth jazz guy, but this song and the rest of what I've heard from Yussef is great for late night chilling with the wife.
  25. Horns
    navybsn gave a Damn to Thatguy in Argwaan: dsbm from the Netherlands.   
    And shameless self promotion, but what the hell.  I will have a listen after work.
    Fuck cassettes though.
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